The God Dare: Will You Choose to Believe the Impossible?
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The God Dare: Will You Choose to Believe the Impossible?  -     By: Kate Battistelli

The God Dare: Will You Choose to Believe the Impossible?

Shiloh Run Press / 2019 / Paperback

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Product Description

Deep down inside, you know you're on this planet for a reason. God has a plan in mind just for you. In fact, He chose you for His plan before the foundation of the world. He designed you very specifically for this time and this place, and He's perfectly equipped you to accomplish His purpose in the earth.

Through engaging and memorable true stories---both biblical and modern---author Kate Battistelli challenges and encourages you to discover how God has specifically designed you for this time in history, your place in the world, your role in His cosmic plan. Once and for all, let go of your fear, worry, pride and strife--- All God ever needs is a willing vessel. Will you say yes?

Product Information

Title: The God Dare: Will You Choose to Believe the Impossible?
By: Kate Battistelli
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 240
Vendor: Shiloh Run Press
Publication Date: 2019
Dimensions: 8.00 X 5.19 (inches)
Weight: 7 ounces
ISBN: 1683229851
ISBN-13: 9781683229858
Stock No: WW229858

Publisher's Description

The God Dare. Where will you hear it? . . .
Deep down inside, you know you’re on this planet for a reason. God has a plan in mind just for you. In fact, He chose you for His plan before the foundation of the world. He designed you very specifically for this time and this place, and He’s perfectly equipped you to accomplish His purpose in the earth.
Through engaging and memorable true stories—both biblical and modern—author Kate Battistelli challenges and encourages you to discover how God has specifically designed you for this time in history, your place in the world, your role in His cosmic plan. Once and for all, let go of your fear, worry, pride and strife. . .
All God ever needs is a willing vessel. Will you say yes?

Author Bio

Kate Battistelli is an author, speaker, former actress/singer in the New York Broadway musical world and mother of GRAMMY award-winning Contemporary Christian recording artist Francesca Battistelli. Kate’s goal is to see you be all God has created you to be, and she truly believes each of us is here to change the world. It’s how she raised her only child and it’s her primary purpose in writing The God Dare.

She loves to speak about The God Dare, share Bridging the Generation Gap workshops in church and conference settings, and letting Jesus pick your future. She is a natural encourager and believes in your ability to change the world, even if you don’t!

She recently moved to Franklin, TN to be closer to Francesca’s growing family. She’s been married to her husband Mike for thirty-four years and loves being near her daughter, son-in-law and four amazing grandchildren.

Editorial Reviews

"The God Dare will challenge your heart and soul. But more than that, it will encourage you to walk closer with Jesus. And all of us need that!"
–Karen Kingsbury, #1 New York Times bestselling author

"Kate will inspire you to discover the path He’s chosen for you at this time in history and just where you fit in to His cosmic plan. Take The God Dare. It will change your life and change the world at the same time!" 
–Dr. Josh Axe DNM, DC, CNS and author of the bestselling Keto Diet and Eat Dirt

"This book is for anyone who wants God’s best and is willing to believe that He can turn your pain into passion, your tragedy into triumph, and take you from mess to messenger. Let Kate’s words of wisdom help you embark on your own God Dare!"
–Jordan Rubin, New York Times bestselling author of The Maker’s Diet Founder, Garden of Life, Beyond Organic and Ancient Nutrition

"Frustrated with a complacent walk with Christ? Kate tells us that age, gender, anxiety, past failures, etc. are no excuse for staying where we are. The God Dare provides examples of how trustworthy He is—in surprising and supernatural ways! Become a world changer…I dare you…no, God dares you!" 
–Pastor Steve Berger, Grace Chapel

"What I love about Kate’s stories is how they show that God doesn’t just dare us, He also equips us and takes the leap right alongside us! Her testimonies of this truth are a welcome encouragement to those of us who are nervous about putting a toe over the edge of the unknown. This book offers a friend and a God who will both be beside you as you dare to dare."
–Lisa-Jo Baker, bestselling author of Never Unfriended and Co-Host of the Out of the Ordinary Podcast.

"You’re braver than you feel, stronger than you know, and loved more than you can even imagine. Kate Battistelli will remind you why all of this is true. She offers the encouragement of a friend, wisdom of a mentor, and contagious courage of someone who has walked with Jesus to places far beyond where she once thought she could go."
–Holley Gerth, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of You’re Already Amazing and Fiercehearted

"I must say that I got inspired by the very title of this great book, The God Dare, even before I read it! Kate is an amazing communicator, and I absolutely love her writing style. The message in this book compels us all to step out and take that first step of faith. I dare you to read The God Dare because it will give you the faith you need to take the first step into your God-given destiny."
–Nancy Alcorn, Founder & President of Mercy Multiplied

"With real and raw honesty, The God Dare will call you to the radical belief that God wants to use you in His big plans for the world. You won’t find any curated perfection in these pages, only the candid true stories of broken people who, against all odds, decided to take God at His Word."
–Jamie Erickson, author of Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence 

"A book I will be giving to all of my friends and my children, while believing wholeheartedly it will impact the generations to come! The God Dare is a gift to the defeated, discouraged, confused, and distracted. Every reader will finish this book, set it down and say, ’Amen. I am here Lord. What’s next?’ "
–September McCarthy, author of {Why} Motherhood Matters, Podcaster @Mom to Mom Podcast and Speaker

"Dares are bold. Triple-dog dares are risky. But a God Dare, the most epic of them all, is life-changing. Kate’s wisdom and encouragement pour out on each page of The God Dare as she shares God’s truth for our lives. More powerful than a ’how-to’ book, reading The God Dare is like having a mentor sitting right beside you as you navigate the path God created especially for YOU."
–Kristin Schell, author and Founder of The Turquoise Table

"As one who often struggles with fear, I am so grateful to Kate Battistelli for writing this book! The God Dare is about saying no to fear and yes to God—yes to His calling, yes to His power, and yes to who He says we are. Full of practical suggestions, personal anecdotes, and powerful examples from scripture, The God Dare will inspire you to let go of the status quo, open your arms wide, and say, Here I am Lord, use me."
–Jennifer Bleakley, author of JOEY: How a Blind Rescue Horse Helped Others Learn to See

"Kate Battistelli brings new life to familiar stories of people in the Bible, presenting them parallel to her own experiences. The God Dare reminds us that we have the opportunity to ’choose to be chosen.’ "
–Anna LeBaron, author of The Polygamist’s Daughter

"I remember sitting on the edge of my seat hearing Kate tell her story to a room full of women doing the same. She graciously and boldly invited the women in the room to accept the God Dare. One by one, they did and like me, were changed by it. I am excited to have a copy of this story in my hands to revisit when I need the encouragement of a dear friend to take the next step with God—my own God Dare. Keep this one close by, and let that same invitation to believe God stir your own heart. You will be changed in the best way."
-Stacey Thacker, author of Fresh Out of Amazing

"Every word in this book is an invitation, not simply to join her, but to live that overflowing, abundant life God has for each one of us. What a gift Kate and her words are to all of us!"
–Teri Lynne Underwood, author of Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most

"Sitting down with The God Dare was like sitting with a wise mentor who is willing to lavish profound biblical insights while she shares deeply personal stories of struggle and victory. Kate’s book provoked within me a genuine ’yes!’ to the invitation of God to live boldly in His calling on my life, no matter what the cost."
–Francie Winslow, wife, mother of six, speaker 

"God dares each one of us to daily pick up our cross and follow Him, so that we can live an extraordinary life for His glory. While this is easier said than done, Kate Battistelli’s words will empower you to push fear aside, believe the impossible, and let God transform you as you say yes to every Kingdom dare He puts in front of you."
–Lauren Gaskill, author of Into the Deep, speaker, and President of She Found Joy

"In this inspiring book, Kate Battistelli weaves personal, intimate stories from her own life with stories of characters in the Bible who answered YES! to God’s Dares. I finished the book with my own YES! and an excitement to see where God will take it. I know every reader will also do the same!"
–Rachel Anne Ridge, author of several books including Flash the Homeless Donkey Who Taught Me about Life, Faith, and Second Chances, and her newest release, Walking with Henry

 "Kate has lived a life of wild obedience and that is evident in the pages of The God Dare. She shows us how to do the same and to trust God with our whole hearts even if it looks like we are leaving our dreams behind. Ultimately, saying yes to our God Dare is the pathway to the greatest joy and most fulfilled life. This book is hope for your heart and encouragement for your journey as you live your own story and follow God’s call for your life."
–Kristin Lemus, Founder of Brave Moms

"Kate Battistelli has thrown down a challenge we don’t want to miss. In a simple and approachable baby-step style, The God Dare walks the reader through their own personal step into the Jordan. Kate puts it best when she reminds us that it’s really up to us, but ’It’s God’s offer to each of us to choose to be chosen.’ "
–Shontell Brewer, author of Missionary Mom

"In The God Dare,Kate Battistelli not only encourages us to take the dares God sends our way, but she also empowers us to say ’yes’ by showing us what a God Dare looks like. This book is a wonderful resource to help you place your confidence in God alone and take that first step!"
–Lynn Cowell, speaker and author of Make Your Move

"God wants so much more for us than we could ever imagine—and I wouldn’t want anyone else but Kate to help me navigate this journey. With The God Dare you’ll discover the actual life Jesus has called you to—with less fear and more serving. The impossible is God’s comfort zone."
–Crystal Stine, speaker & author of Holy Hustle: Embracing a Work-Hard, Rest-Well Life

"There is something special about this book! Power-packed with rich biblical accounts, Kate’s compelling story—and an invitation you can’t afford to miss—The God Dare is for everyone who is ready to leave behind complacent living and respond to God’s call to a courageous, faith-filled life. It will be worth it!" 
–Katie M. Reid, author of Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done, national speaker, and songwriter 

"Through fresh authenticity and passion, Kate Battistelli will inspire and challenge you. She will delight and encourage you with her wisdom. This book breathed new life into my faith. I am undone by Kate’s writing and this God who loves and invites us to grand challenges—challenges He fully equips us for." 
–Jami Amerine, author of Stolen Jesus and Sacred Ground Sticky Floors 

"You know what The God Dare really is? Because this is much more than a book, I’ll tell you that. It’s more like a burning match, lighting a wildfire under your faith. Kate will tell you about her incredible journey with Jesus, for sure. But even more, she is inviting you into yours—this one wild and beautiful journey that begins with an audacious dare from the One who created you. I join Kate in daring you to say yes." 
–Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of It’s All Under Control and The Happiness Dare

"In this life, we are all finding our way. Through straight paths, mountaintops, and clean bright stretches. . .winding roads, canyon valleys, storms, and through the deepest mud of our lives. There is hope and joy, and suffering and failure, jolting us awake in the most unexpected ways. No matter where we are, Kate comes alongside us as a kind friend, boldly reorienting us to what we need for our journey—our God Dare. A challenge to stop. To surrender. To choose to say yes to what God wants to do in and through us along our way. To face our fear. To say yes to the unknown. To do the unthinkable, and accomplish the impossible even if we’re scared. Her encouragement is exactly what our hearts need as she dares us to trust and walk in what God wants to do in us. The God Dare is a life-changing dare—for any and all. One we can choose again and again. Won’t you join me? Take the dare? I’ve already decided my answer is YES!"
–Jacque Watkins, author of Mud Stories Podcast

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