Melissa SpoelstraAbingdon Press / 2019 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$16.195.0 out of 5 stars for Dare to Hope: Living Intentionally in an Unstable World. View reviews of this product. 7 Reviews
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Susan Z5 Stars Out Of 5Jeremiah Made Relevant for Modern TimesMarch 5, 2019Susan ZQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5"Dare to Hope" is loaded with practical illustrations that will inspire and encourage you to be aware of what you are currently placing your trust in, and our need to surrender our wills to God and to rest our hope in Him alone. We live in a world filled with so many distractions, Melissa reminds us through the scriptures of Jeremiah to not let the minutia of life crowd out the most important -- your relationship with your Creator. Many of us tend to spend more time in the New Testament, but the Old Testament is just as important to knowing and loving and serving our God. Melissa brings the writings of Jeremiah to life and makes them applicable for our modern day. This is a great book for personal study or for a group.
Marcene5 Stars Out Of 5Accept The DareFebruary 19, 2019MarceneQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5It was a privilege to be part of Melissa Spoelstra's launch team for her new book "Dare to Hope: Living Intentionally In An Unstable World." As I have done some of her Bible studies I was prepped to enjoy the new book and I did. Melissa presents the Old Testament in a down to earth and fun way. Yes, old prophets can be fun. Chapter 4 is an indepth look at one's heart and staying spiritually sensitive. "Scripture is clear: God doesn't want half our hearts; He wants us to give Him our whole hearts!" Be sure to check out the "Dare to Hope Challenge" which includes the advice to "be careful not to confuse behavior modification with heart change" and "be careful to bring your hurting heart to God." We must be intentional to choose hope, inspite of all that is going on in our poor beleagured world and remember God is good at being God. So, after reading Dare to Hope I changed my word for the year to HOPE. It is not fattening and doesn't cause cavities and is good for the heart and one's disposition and witness. Oh, and Jesus gave us HOPE for now and for eternity. Enjoy.
Rhonda5 Stars Out Of 5Raise the White Flag!March 5, 2019RhondaQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5Melissa provides incredible insights into God's plan for our lives. She reminds us that in a world that is too demanding, too difficult, too confusing - there is always hope when we allow God to lead us. I love how she explains the significance of recognizing that we need to raise the 'white flag' and surrender to God so He can work within us. We must allow God to work through us when we walk through the fires of disappointment, grief, illness, and pain. In today's world, outside influences plague us daily but when we focus on God rather than the world and our problems, our hope is rekindled and grows beyond our wildest expectations. When we truly desire a closer walk with God, we must focus on daily Bible reading, meditation on God's Word, and prayer. Then we will begin to experience grace, hope, and peace. Staying close to God in our daily walk is the answer for hope in today's world. Dare to Hope today and experience God's greatness!
Tricia5 Stars Out Of 5"Live Intentionally With God Daily"February 16, 2019TriciaI've read the authors work before, I like the down to earth way she speaks. She shares Biblical principles and Godly wisdom in ways we all can understand. In "Dare to Hope" the message of Jeremiah that she share's reminds us, if we want to see our country turned back to God we need to start with each of us and our relationship with Him. As we read the book we see ways we can have hope as well as share hope with others. In an unstable world this book book is a good companion to go with the Bible as it helps guide us to live intentionally with God daily.
I highlighted many quotes as I read a few of my favorites are below:
"We should be people who draw others to our God rather than people who are pulled away from Him by our culture."
"Cultures change one person at a time, so the first step in turning the tide of our nation starts with a look in the mirror. The only person I can truly change is me, and the only person you can truly change is you."
"Guarding our hearts means using caution about what we allow to influence our thoughts, words, and actions."
"To guard against those times when life seems devoid of hope and we lose sight of God's good plans, we need to meditate on Scripture and begin to hide the words in our hearts."
In the epilogue the author shares several scriptures on hope as well as 5 Spiritual Practices for Living with Hope. I'd recommend this book and author to anyone looking to grow in their relationship with God.
I received an advanced copy from the publisher, these are my thoughts on the book. -
Terry5 Stars Out Of 5Dare To HopeNovember 11, 2020TerryIt is REALLY ENCOURANGING!
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