CSB Harmony of the Gospels
Stock No: WW768465
CSB Harmony of the Gospels  -

CSB Harmony of the Gospels

Holman Bible Publishers / 2022 / Hardcover

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Holman Bible Publishers / 2022 / Hardcover

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Product Description

The CSB Harmony of the Gospels allows you the access into the insights of two luminaries of the American Baptist movement. Commentary by John A. Broadus and A.T. Robertson matches the biblical text on the page so that you can gain a new perspective on God's Word.

Product Information

Title: CSB Harmony of the Gospels
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 560
Vendor: Holman Bible Publishers
Publication Date: 2022
Dimensions: 10.00 X 7.00 X 1.25 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 12 ounces
ISBN: 1087768462
ISBN-13: 9781087768465
Text Size: 9.5 Point
Thumb Index: No
Stock No: WW768465
Imprintable: No

Publisher's Description

CSB Harmony of the Gospels is a synchronized reading of the Gospels based on the work of John A. Broadus and A.T. Robertson with each Gospel writer's account of events side-by-side. In addition to the harmonious layout, articles and commentary notes are included to provide deeper understanding of the four Gospels and the harmonized account of the life and teachings of Jesus. 
CSB Harmony of the Gospels features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

Author Bio

Developed by more than 100 scholars from 17 denominations, the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB) captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity—helping you read, understand, and share God’s Word.


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