"Cheryl Miller has written an in-your-face reminder that sexual violence is much too important a topic to be considered taboo. I have known Cheryl for nearly two decades and can attest to her work on the front lines of victim-offender mediation. In her telling, the stories are vivid, the values are clear, and the solutions are tangible. If there is one book to have on your shelf to help guide your organization towards justice that restores, Enough Silence is it."
Jonathan Brooks, lead pastor, Lawndale Christian Community Church
"Cheryl Miller crafted a powerful narrative interwoven with instruction on providing survivors of sexual assault with avenues of healing through restorative justice. The role of faith for survivors is threaded throughout, along with a clarion call to the church to nurture healing. This book is brave, timely, practical, implementable, and anointed.
"Enough Silence accurately relates the theories, concepts, and principles of restorative justice that have been a part of my academic teaching journey for more than twenty years. Cheryl conveys the technical knowledge in easy-to-understand terms, then brings the information to life through her artful demonstration of applied skills. Her extensive practice of restorative justice principles has been made accessible and applicable to real life.
"Cheryl rightly calls the church to be an educated and accessible sacred space. She gives excellent instruction on practical skills and important cautionary parameters on becoming a place of hope and restoration."
Tomi Grover, Human Advocacy Director, GoSendMe Global, and adjunct faculty, LeTourneau University