Cosmic initiative: Restoring The Kingdom, Igniting The Awakening
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Cosmic initiative: Restoring The Kingdom, Igniting The Awakening  -     By: Jack R. Taylor

Cosmic initiative: Restoring The Kingdom, Igniting The Awakening

Whitaker House / 2017 / Paperback

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Product Description

In Cosmic Initiative, well-known speaker and kingdom-seeker Jack Taylor invites us to be reintroduced to the kingdom of God and to experience the recovery of the kingdom gospel-leading to kingdom power, kingdom love, and the greatest kingdom harvest the world has ever seen.

Product Information

Title: Cosmic initiative: Restoring The Kingdom, Igniting The Awakening
By: Jack R. Taylor
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 272
Vendor: Whitaker House
Publication Date: 2017
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
Weight: 12 ounces
ISBN: 1629118060
ISBN-13: 9781629118062
Stock No: WW9118062

Publisher's Description

Jesus never said "Seek first" about any pursuit or purpose except the kingdom of God.

But the church has essentially abandoned this central message, so that kingdom realities have become lost to us. Our neglect has been costly, because God's kingdom on earth—His cosmic initiative—has the authority and power to revolutionize our culture. This transformation occurs first within us and then around us, igniting the world with forgiveness, healings, miracles, righteousness, and peace.

The reason most people today do not seek the kingdom is that they have not seen it. Once they truly see it, they seek and follow the remarkable vision they have glimpsed. This is because discovering the kingdom is not just information but an adventure in revelation and transformation.

Well-known speaker and kingdom-seeker Jack Taylor invites us to be reintroduced to the kingdom of God and to experience the recovery of the kingdom gospel—leading to kingdom power, kingdom love, and the greatest kingdom harvest the world has ever seen.

Author Bio

Jack R. Taylor’s name has become synonymous with the message of the kingdom of God and the Spirit-filled life. He served for nearly seventeen years as pastor of the Castle Hills First Baptist Church, San Antonio, Texas, where God moved in revival, with an estimated two thousand people saved in the first six months. Since then, as president of Dimensions Ministries, Jack has pursued an itinerant ministry that has lasted almost forty years. Jack is a graduate of Hardin-Simmons University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and he received an honorary doctorate from St. Thomas Christian College in Jacksonville, Florida. In addition to Cosmic Initiative, he is the author of thirteen books, including the best-selling The Key to Triumphant Living, with one million copies in print.
Jack has two children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. He and his first wife, Barbara, were married for more than forty-seven years until she succumbed to cancer in 2001. In 2002, he married Jerry, who passed away after her own battle with cancer. Since 2004, Jack has been married to Friede, who travels and ministers with him.
Jack is currently working with his son, Tim, to develop a network of spiritual sons and daughters across the world. For most of his ministry, Jack has instinctively fathered spiritual children in the ministry, counseling and encouraging young men and women to seek and expand the kingdom of God; today, some two hundred people formally consider Jack Taylor their spiritual father and are connected to him through Sonslink, a ministry committed to modeling the biblical father-son paradigm. Jack and Tim continue to explore and expound on this paradigm as the most significant relationship in the kingdom of God, believing it to be the context for abundant living as well as kingdom expansion.

Publisher's Description

Jesus never said "Seek first" about any pursuit or purpose except the kingdom of God. But the church has essentially abandoned this central message, so that kingdom realities have become lost to us. Our neglect has been costly, because God's kingdom on earth--His cosmic initiative--has the authority and power to revolutionize our culture. This transformation occurs first within us and then around us, igniting the world with forgiveness, healings, miracles, righteousness, and peace. The reason most people today do not seek the kingdom is that they have not seen it. Once they truly see it, they seek and follow the remarkable vision they have glimpsed. This is because discovering the kingdom is not just information but an adventure in revelation and transformation. Well-known speaker and kingdom-seeker Jack Taylor invites us to be reintroduced to the kingdom of God and to experience the recovery of the kingdom gospel-leading to kingdom power, kingdom love, and the greatest kingdom harvest the world has ever seen.

Editorial Reviews

When I read Cosmic Initiative, it made me realize how blessed I am to call Jack Taylor my friend. Here is a book you won’t be able to put down, because it focuses on things that matter when it comes to the Christian faith. It is written by a person who loves Jesus Christ, is unashamed of the Holy Spirit, and whose sole aim in life is to glorify God. Every sentence mirrors this commitment. Every sentence will draw you closer to God.
—R. T. Kendall
Author of sixty books
Former Senior Minister, Westminster Chapel, London

Twenty-five years ago, I was struggling to pastorally lead the church toward cultural relevance and gospel impact. A man who is deeply loved and admired humbly advised me that the only way to be consistently relevant was to seek and find the Kingdom. He was right! Today, I lead an international mission organization challenged by multicultural environments in more than seventy countries. Jack Taylor’s advice those many years ago served to prepare me for this assignment. May Cosmic Initiative produce in you the same insatiable hunger that all "Kingdom adventurers" share for comprehending and agreeing with God’s eternal rule and reign.
—Bill Snell
President, Missionary Ventures, International

In a world that is whirling in political crisis and turmoil, there is nothing more restorative, calming, and faith-building than picking up this book, Cosmic Initiative, and rediscovering that the Kingdom of God is the ultimate victor over Satan, fallen man, and all international chaos. Thank God for the Kingdom and for Jack Taylor’s revelation of it!
—Charles Carrin
Charles Carrin Ministries, Boynton Beach, FL

Too often, the books we read are like a trickle from a clear, cool spring; we drink from them and are a little refreshed, a little less thirsty, but are left knowing that only more can satisfy. In contrast, reading Cosmic Initiative is like standing under the deluge of Niagara Falls! There is so much revelation to take in at once. One must revisit the pages pouring from the eternal, gushing river flowing from the Father’s throne. Who could be trusted to pen the heart of eternity’s Initiator? Who could sit before the expanse unfettered by time and space to describe the boundless Kingdom? And what could possibly describe God’s intent? Jack Taylor is that man. Cosmic Initiative is that book. Are these words too great, too much, even overreaching? Only if Jack Taylor is less than I know him to be. Only if Cosmic Initiative is less than what heaven demanded.
—Brian Higbee
Author, Living the Kingdom Life
Senior Leader, CityChurch, Connellsville, PA

Jack Taylor’s first book, The Key to Triumphant Living, was the very first book I was given that gave understanding and revelation that there was much more to the Christian life and relationship with Jesus than what I was currently experiencing. Since that day, Jack Taylor’s books, teachings, and writings have been a guide to me in a remarkable, transformative journey that is beyond anything I could have imagined.
It is with great joy that I recommend Jack Taylor’s book Cosmic Initiative as the crowning achievement of his life of revealing the heart of God to His creation. This deep yet clear revelation of the centrality of the Kingdom of God to all that He is about in this world will assist you in getting the big picture of the Father’s heart and purposes for us, which are much grander and more powerful than we could ever imagine. I will be including this book as required reading in our school here at Global Awakening, and I recommend it highly to you!
 —Mike Hutchings, DMin, ThD
Director, Global School of Supernatural Ministry and
Director, Global Healing and Prophetic Certification Programs
The Apostolic Network of Global Awakening

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