Dr. Andrew J. BaumanBaker Books / 2025 / Trade PaperbackOur Price$13.495.0 out of 5 stars for Safe Church: How to Guard against Sexism and Abuse in Christian Communities. View reviews of this product. 8 Reviews
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HealingWarrior2515 Stars Out Of 5Truth and hope for healingJanuary 28, 2025HealingWarrior251Quality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5In the age of seemingly daily church scandals, the phrase "Safe Church" feels a bit like an oxymoron, yet the work Dr. Bauman has done here is exactly what we need in order to find our way out of the old order and into the new. With this stunning research, we now better understand just how pervasive sexual harm is within the walls of the American church and why being content to accept the status quo can no longer be an option. A pastor who is not interested in knowing what this book contains is a pastor who is not interested in doing whatever it takes to create a safe church for the well-being of their most vulnerable congregants. This should be required reading for every person in any role of church leadership.
I would also highly recommend this book to anyone who has ever felt isolated or ashamed due to experiencing sexism or abuse within a church context. This book not only validates that experience but proves such experiences have been had by the vast majority of women in the American church. Furthermore, it reveals that the very fuel keeping abusive environments running is the tactic of intentionally shaming those who have been harmed into silence as a coverup by the very ones who have perpetrated it in order to avoid accountability for their actions.
I am so excited about the countless lives that are going to receive healing and hope through this powerfully beautiful work! -
Jennylalalala5 Stars Out Of 5Such a fantastic book. Read it.January 26, 2025JennylalalalaQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5Truly incredible, insightful, and helpful for people healing from abuse, or anyone who wants to reflect the compassionate heart of Jesus to the broken and vulnerable.
Lynne5 Stars Out Of 5A must read for ALL CHURCH STAFFJanuary 22, 2025LynneQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5I have so much to say! First, thank you for writing this much needed resource. In my humble opinion, it is a resource that needs to be in every church library. In addition, every pastor and church staff member and volunteer should have to read this. All of these issues must be discussed and brought into the light. Especially to those who are blinded to the toxicity. I read this for validation and to help me to continue to heal. I also will share to everyone who claims to love Jesus. I pray their eyes and ears and hearts will be opened. And they will not defend their errors, but rather look for ways to change and grow and heal. Thank you again!
theerinsw5 Stars Out Of 5Encouraging timely history with call to actionJanuary 22, 2025theerinswQuality: 5Value: 5Meets Expectations: 5Fantastic book. Dr Bauman makes an excellent case for an end to complementarianism within the Protestant church, and offers a way back from the abuse that has become commonplace within the church today.
I was so encouraged by the slow, deliberate investigation into the reasons this abuse is happening, and respectful spotlighting of female stories. He made it clear that Christians who hold a high view of Scripture have a strong biblical foundation for egalitarianism.
I appreciated that he shared his own story and journey, and that he delved into complicated topics such as spiritual bypassing and forgiveness without a timeline.
He spent a few chapters detailing the actions that men can take to spotlight females around them. I found this to be especially valuable and encouraging.
Cindy9775 Stars Out Of 5Safe Church has renewed my hopeJanuary 22, 2025Cindy977Safe Church is one of the most important books to read this year. I am about three-quarters of the way through, and the personal stories have been the most impactful. Dr. Bauman's personal connection to this issue is deeply moving. His wife's and mother's experiences are heartbreaking, and his own journey to becoming a safe man is inspiring. I have tremendous respect for the fact that this book does not minimize non-physical forms of abuse. The author clearly defines terms like sexism and spiritual abuse and expresses empathy for everyone.
Every time a new story of abuse in the church is reported, I find myself becoming more heartbroken and disillusioned. However, Safe Church is renewing my hope that we can make lasting, positive changes. Jesus did not avoid women or treat them as second-class citizens. He engaged them, sat with them, and included them. There are systemic issues in the church that need to be addressed, and Safe Church offers real solutions. If we all work together with love and empathy for one another, we can begin to make the church the safe place I once believed it to be.
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