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Christian Worldview: A Student's Guide
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Product Description
▼▲Philip Ryken, prolific author and president of Wheaton College, explains the distinguishing marks of the Christian worldview, helping us to engage thoughtfully with our increasingly pluralistic society. Based on the notion that ideas have consequences, this accessible resource will help you see life's "big picture" by equipping you with a well-reasoned framework of Christian beliefs and convictions.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Christian Worldview: A Student's Guide By: Philip Graham Ryken, David S. Dockery Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 128 Vendor: Crossway Publication Date: 2013 | Dimensions: 7.75 X 5.25 (inches) Weight: 5 ounces ISBN: 1433535408 ISBN-13: 9781433535406 Series: Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition Stock No: WW535406 |
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▼▲Author Bio
▼▲Philip Graham Ryken (DPhil, University of Oxford) is the eighth president of Wheaton College. He preached at Philadelphias Tenth Presbyterian Church from 1995 until his appointment at Wheaton in 2010. Ryken has published more than fifty books, including When Trouble Comes and expository commentaries on Exodus, Ecclesiastes, and Jeremiah. He serves as a board member for the Gospel Coalition and the Lausanne Movement.
David S. Dockery (PhD, University of Texas System) serves as president of the International Alliance for Christian Education as well as president and distinguished professor of theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Previously, he served as president of Union University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is a much-sought-after speaker and lecturer, a former consulting editor for Christianity Today, and the author or editor of more than forty books. Dockery and his wife, Lanese, have three married sons and seven grandchildren.
▼▲-William Edgar,
Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
Philip Ryken thoughtfully explains the ins and outs of a Christian worldview, backed by considerable biblical support and key selections from cultural touchstones. The book is a quick read but is certainly not slight. Thorough and accessible, this is a perfect resource for students who need a solid grounding or a fresh reminder of truths of the Christian worldview.
-D. Michael Lindsay,
President, Gordon College
I have written a behemoth of a book of nearly four hundred pages on the history of the worldview concept. Phil Ryken, Wheaton's fine and gracious president, has said what needs to be said about a Christian worldview in a much, much shorter space. And he's said extremely well what needs to be said about it. His book is most engaging. It is, indeed, a privilege to commend and to recommend this magnificent volume. To all: Tolle Lege - Take up and read!
-David K. Naugle,
Chair and Professor of Philosophy, Dallas Baptist University
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