Christian Apologetics, Second Edition
Stock No: WW048548
Christian Apologetics, Second Edition  -     By: Norman L. Geisler

Christian Apologetics, Second Edition

Baker Academic / 2013 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW048548
Baker Academic / 2013 / Paperback

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Product Description

Norman Geisler's Christian Apologetics is one of the most widely read and used book on Apologetics available today. Now in its Second Edition, the text has been updated to reflect recent developments in societies attitudes, world events, and current understanding of how Christianity interacts with other world religions and secular society in the 21st century. Specifically, these subjects have received substantial new attention:
  • Deism
  • Theism
  • Christ's Authority
  • Inspiration of the Bible
Geisler's book offers a systematic approach to understanding major worldviews and presents both the methods for developing a biblically centered apologetic as well as a logical presentation of the facts in favor of Christianity and why we should use them to defend the faith.

Product Information

Title: Christian Apologetics, Second Edition
By: Norman L. Geisler
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 464
Vendor: Baker Academic
Publication Date: 2013
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 11 ounces
ISBN: 0801048540
ISBN-13: 9780801048548
Stock No: WW048548

Publisher's Description

World-famous apologist Norman Geisler offers a new edition of his bestselling apologetics text, which has sold consistently for over thirty years (over 125,000 copies sold). This edition has been updated throughout and includes three new chapters. It offers readers a systematic approach that presents both the reasons and the methods for defending the claims of Christianity. Topics covered include deism, theism, Christ's authority, and the inspiration of the Bible.

Author Bio

Norman L. Geisler (1932-2019) taught at top evangelical colleges and seminaries for over fifty years and was distinguished professor of apologetics and theology at Veritas Evangelical Seminary in Murrieta, California. He wrote nearly eighty books, including the Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, Christian Ethics, and Systematic Theology.


"Geisler is extremely erudite, possessing an astonishing wealth of scholarly knowledge, and displays a remarkable gift of superb organization and clear analysis in laying out his material...I consider Christian Apologetics the best textbook we have on behalf of conservative evangelical Christianity.
-Clark H. Pinnock,
Christian Scholar's Review

Destined to be a major textbook for evangelicals in apologetics...[It will] help a generation of readers and students faced with a tough-minded humanism to give cogent and careful defense of the faith.
-F. R. Howe,
Bibliotheca Sacra

Provides the reader with a fundamentally sound overall approach to Christian apologetics...It will be a valuable addition to any student's library.
-Michael Hill,
Reformed Theological Review

At a time when the Christian church faces an ever-increasing challenge from a secular and pluralistic culture, Dr. Geisler's Christian Apologetics provides a substantive resource for answering the challenge...Christian Apologetics should find a place in the library of all college and seminary students by default. In addition, all others interested in probing the causes and effects of these isms will find the book a challenge but also greatly rewarding.
-The Response

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