It's one thing to know Bible stories; it's another to know the story of the Bible. It's one thing to be aware of the story's many heroes; it's another to have met the Hero himself. From the Old Testament that anticipates him, to the Gospels that manifest him, to the Book of Acts that proclaims him, to the Epistles that explain him, and to the Book of Revelation that tells of him coming again, your Bible is about Jesus. That's why I love the vision of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. It models for preachers and teachers how to proclaimwith pastoral focus and exegetical carethe beauty of the gospel from every page of Scripture.
Matt Smethurst
Associate Editor for The Gospel Coalition
Few things are more important for faithful biblical interpretation than reading Scripture in light of its master narrative. The Christ-Centered Exposition series aims to do just that. In a postmodern age, these commentaries provide pastors and lay people an invaluable resource that is unswervingly committed to the authority of Scripture and the centrality of the Gospel in the Bibles storyline.
Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr., President
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"I welcome Pastor Andy Daviss contribution to the Christ-Centered Exposition Series. His love of the Scriptures and his love of the Savior are equally well represented in his exposition of Isaiah. Davis applies his wealth of pastoral experience with remarkable contemporary references to make this commentary insightful, accessible and useful for congregations as well as pastors."
Bryan Chapell pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois; founder and chairman of Unlimited Grace, a radio and online Bible-teaching ministry; and President Emeritus of Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri
"As a part of the Christ-Centered Exposition series, Andy Davis devotional commentary on Isaiah fits well. I have known Dr. Davis for many years and he is one of the most careful, thoughtful, biblically-centered theologians I know. Davis well affirms Christ in Isaiah, and ties in the unified story of redemptive history of which Jesus Christ is preeminent. The book contains easy to read, rich, practical, sermonic presentations of each chapter of Isaiah that will be a great resource for any pastor or teacher working through his prophecy."
Eric A. Mitchell associate professor of Old Testament & Archaeology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas
"Without a doubt Isaiah is one of the most important books in the Old Testament, and the New Testament use of Isaiah gives it a particular significance. Andy Daviss commentary is a helpful addition to studies on Isaiah at several levels. He takes seriously the historical message of Isaiah so that he doesn't simply leap to the New Testament and avoid the Old Testament context. At the same time, the fulfillment of Isaiah in the New Testament receives careful and wise attention. Finally, Davis applies the message of Isaiah to today's world. I recommend this work enthusiastically."
Thomas R. Schreiner James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"This wonderful commentary by Andy Davis is theological through and through, with a focus upon the glory of God and the salvation he offers in Jesus the Messiah. Davis helps us see the urgency of Isaiah for today and apply the book to the church in practical terms. I warmly commend this commentary for pastors and theologians alike."
Heath A. Thomas dean and professor of Old Testament, Herschel H. Hobbs College of Theology & Ministry, Oklahoma Baptist University
"Andy Davis is a faithful, seasoned expositor with theological depth and pastoral care, and in this volume he provides steady guidance for anyone endeavoring to preach the prophecy of Isaiah. With clear, detailed outlines and concise explanations, Davis explains the text, making theological and practical points of application. This volume will be a blessing to preachers."
Ray Van Neste associate professor of Christian Studies and director of the R. C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies at Union University