Radio personality and speaker Everson (Things Left Unspoken) begins a new series situated in Cedar Key, Fla., where this author mixes childhood naiveté with grown-up pain. Kimberly Tucker, recently divorced mom of two boys, suddenly finds herself facing five long summer weeks alone while her sons visit their father. Kim, at the behest of her widower father, goes back to her childhood vacation home at Cedar Key and finds herself facing heartache and dredging up family secrets that are affecting her sisters even today. When Kim befriends an elderly neighbor, both women share their heartbreaking stories and healing begins in earnest. With revelations galore to contend with, Kim finds herself doing plenty of soul-searching while attempting to regain her emotional balance in the unsettling circumstance. Everson's work is neatly done and her fans will find value in her presentation of life's lack of tidiness, which reads both realistically and convincingly. (June) Copyright 2011 Reed Business Information.