This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years
Stock No: WW555145
This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years  -     By: Jaquelle Crowe

This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years

Crossway / 2017 / Hardcover

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Product Description

The teen years have been hijacked—by fashion, music, movies, and games; by the pressures of school, peers, and society; and by superficial expectations set by the world. But there is something more glorious than all these influences that has the power to change the life of a teenager: the gospel.

Written by a teenager for teenagers, This Changes Everything is a deeply theological yet practical and accessible book on how the gospel radically transforms every aspect of the teen years, including pursuing relationships, managing time, combating personal sin, and cultivating healthy habits. In a culture awash with low expectations for young people, this book exhorts teenagers to embrace a gospel-centered perspective on their lives and pursue wholehearted devotion to Christ now.

Product Information

Title: This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years
By: Jaquelle Crowe
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 176
Vendor: Crossway
Publication Date: 2017
Dimensions: 8.00 X 5.25 (inches)
Weight: 11 ounces
ISBN: 143355514X
ISBN-13: 9781433555145
Stock No: WW555145

Author Bio

Jaquelle Crowe (BA, Thomas Edison State University) is a young writer from eastern Canada. She’s the lead writer and editor-in-chief of and a contributor to the Gospel Coalition,, and Unlocking the Bible. Her first book is This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years.

Editorial Reviews

"No longer little children, not quite independent adults, teenhood is the fast transition between the two. In all the changes, wise teens need straight talk—bold talk!—the kind of advice that is sharp enough to help them cut through the false promises and lies of our culture and blunt enough to push back all the old, tired stereotypes of teenagers. You found it! This book is fearless, lucid, God focused, and gospel drenched, all applied in concrete practices, and aimed at nothing less than your eternal joy. These precious years are not the time to slack off, Jaquelle says, it’s the time to stand out. This book stands out as a valiant work from one teen serving other teens (and those who love them)!"

—Tony Reinke, staff writer and researcher,; author, Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading Books and 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You

"In a culture where many young people feel entitled and struggle through swamps of victimization, Jaquelle Crowe calls her fellow teens to Christian discipline. She wants them to choose the hard tasks, the road of discipline, the life of obedience and service to Christ, in response to the gospel of grace. May she and her fellow visionaries—and there is a growing number of them!—follow this path to the end, empowered by transforming grace."

—D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Cofounder, The Gospel Coalition

"Jaquelle Crowe writes her first book with this purpose: ‘that the gospel will change your life, that you will surrender all to the cause of Christ.’ That is a compelling purpose, and one that many teenagers will embrace wholeheartedly, thanks to this book. May Christ bless Jaquelle and use her book toward that glorious end!"

—Ray Ortlund, Lead Pastor, Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee; council member, The Gospel Coalition; President, Renewal Ministries; author, Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel

"Jaquelle's zeal for the gospel is contagious. This book is enjoyable and practical, but the effect thereof is individual transformation with global ramifications. I pray that a multitude of teenagers would take up and read this book."

—Gloria Furman, author, The Pastor's Wife, Missional Motherhood, and Alive in Him

"One of my hopes for the church is that we would take seriously those in the teen years, that we would speak to them as those capable of and accountable for understanding the implications of a vibrant faith. Jaquelle Crowe does this, and even better, she does so as a peer. In This Changes Everything, both Jaquelle's practical words and her positive example offer needed encouragement to other teens. And they deeply encouraged this mother of teens, as well."

—Jen Wilkin, author, Women of the Word and None Like Him; Bible Teacher

"Paul told Timothy to set an example and not let anyone despise his youth. Jaquelle is a young woman who embodies this truth and demonstrates the power of the gospel for young leaders. She describes her book as a chicken nugget. It's for those old enough to stop gumming baby food. She's right. There's a lot here to chew on. I recommend this book for both you and the young people in your life."

—Dan DeWitt, Director, Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity, Cedarville University; author, Christ or Chaos and Jesus or Nothing

"Jaquelle Crowe is an outstanding writer, not just ‘for a teenager,’ but for anyone. Writing takes work, as does following Jesus, and in This Changes Everything, the author has done her work well. Reading this book was a pleasure; it’s biblical, challenging and refreshing. Jaquelle’s heart comes across clearly, her theology is strong, and what she says about church is desperately needed. I highly recommend this book both for teenage Christians and their parents."

—Randy Alcorn, Founder and Director, Eternal Perspective Ministries; author, Heaven, The Treasure Principle, and The Ishbane Conspiracy

"Jaquelle writes as a teenager to teenagers. She writes with skill, with passion, and with a firm grounding in Scripture. I could list the many strengths of her book, but perhaps the most effective endorsement is this: I will gladly give This Changes Everything to my own teenagers with confidence that it will be a blessing to them.”

—Tim Challies, blogger,

"This is a great book written by a bright young person, where Jaquelle clearly shows what young people can and should be challenged with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In a brief and very readable text, the author explains what the gospel is—what it demands and how it saves more than how it benefits us. The message of the cross is not a pragmatic message but rather a radically transforming and life-giving message. Read it and you will find what I just said to be true. I recommend it, especially for young people, parents, and young leaders."

—Miguel Núñez, Senior Pastor, International Baptist Church, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; President, Wisdom & Integrity Ministries

"In a culture where teens have been given a free pass to live self-focused, immature, irresponsible lives, they desperately need to know that they were created for a bigger purpose. In This Changes Everything, Jaquelle brings the gospel to life by showing how relevant and applicable it is to our modern generation. This book is a must for all teens!”

—Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird, Founders, Girl Defined Ministries; authors, Girl Defined: God’s Radical Design for Beauty, Femininity, and Identity

"Powerful! Packed with the fundamental values of the Christian faith, This Changes Everything does an excellent job presenting what truly matters most to my generation. A simple, yet profound book, I would recommend This Changes Everything to any young person eager to start taking their faith seriously."

—Trent Blake, age 17, Mulberry, Florida

"We teenagers are at a confusing and impressionable place in our culture. Without clear direction on why and how we should be living as Christians, it’s easy to just give up. With plenty of real-life illustrations,This Changes Everything clearly explains why the gospel matters so much and challenges us to live for the glory of God."

—Olivia White, age 13, Mebane, North Carolina

"So often, as teenagers, we get caught up in school, sports, and other activities and forget that our lives should really be about God. In this book, Jaquelle points us back to the Creator of all things and his wonderful plan for us. And she doesn’t just leave it as ushy-gushy feelings. With a humble attitude, she shows what it looks like to take this good news and allow it to transform our lives. I highly recommend this book!"

—Jason Zimmerman, age 16, Ithaca, New York

"This book was phenomenal. Jaquelle writes personally and she has a way of making you think deeper than is comfortable. As a young Christian myself, this book cut straight through me and gave me a deeper yearning for Christ, as well as practical ways to live a life more like Christ’s. She is on point with everything she says and uses the Bible as the basis for everything."

—Emma Roth, age 17, Grafton, Ohio

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