1. Can You Trust the Bible?
    Harold J. Sala PhD
    Rose Publishing / 2020 / Trade Paperback
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  1. DJS
    3 Stars Out Of 5
    Can you Trust the Bible
    November 3, 2020
    Quality: 3
    Value: 3
    Meets Expectations: 3
    Harold J. Sala, Rose Publishing. It seems to me that anyone who takes his or her faith seriously must ask the question, is the Bible the Word of God. Can I rely upon it as authority. Or, as Dr. Sala asks, can it be trusted. Dr. Sala provides six reasons why we can accept that the Bible is a God given book.

    In Chapter 1, Dr. Sala points out the uniqueness of the Bible: it is the first book that comprehensively sets out the history of God, man, and the devil, written by some 40 different individuals from a variety of backgrounds. It is unique in its structure: the Old and New Testaments, written some 400 years apart, yet intricately connected. It is unique in its claims, its formation and its preservation. Perhaps most importantly, it is a biography of the most influential person in all of history and it answers the deepest questions of life, who am I! where did I come from! what is life about!

    In Chapters 2 and 3, Dr. Sala looks at some of the more technical questions about the Bible. He writes about the amazing preservation of some of the biblical manuscripts, including the remarkable discovery at Qumran, the Vatican Codex, and the Sinai Manuscript. He also demonstrates how more resent archaeological discoveries tend to confirm biblical claims.

    In Chapter 4, Dr. Sala points to how scriptural claims have been fulfilled, looking to the birth of Jesus Christ, the place, the time, and the manner, all fulfilling Old Testament prophecy, and at the development of modern day Israel as a nation.

    Chapter 5 is an overview by Dr. Sala of the Bible*s truce with science. I didnt find this chapter particularly compelling, perhaps because it relies for the most part on general conclusions and doesnt get into some of the more philosophically compelling arguments. In fairness, doing so would be a real challenge in this type of book and format. Chapter 6 is meant to demonstrate how the Bible transforms lives. Dr. Salas writes about the impact of the Bible on five individuals.

    The book finishes with a short Addendum, providing guidelines for studying the bible.

    If you are looking for a book that provides a deep and comprehensive argument for the reliability and authority of the Bible, this is not the book for you. I dont think that was Dr. Salas intention. What this book does provide is a brief overview of the some of the bases for scripture*s truth. It perhaps relies too much on anecdotal evidence and claims. But it is very easy to read and not a bad introduction.

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