Burying Daisy Doe is a gripping story that exposes the secrets of a small Southern town caught up in three generations of evil. It took the courage of Star Cavanaugh, searching for her grandmothers and fathers murderers, to uncover the truth in a tale that will keep you in suspense to the end. -- Patricia Bradley, author of the Memphis Cold Case Novels and the Natchez Trace Park Rangers series
Im reminded yet again why Ramona Richards is one of my favorite suspense writers. And this may be her best book yet! Riveting from the beginning and filled with suspense . . . I bet you cant just read one chapter! -- Kathy Harris, author of The Deadly Secrets series
Burying Daisy Doe is Ramona Richardss most chilling, most captivating work yet. When Star Cavanaugh moves into Pineville to investigate the cold case murders of her grandmother and her father, she has no idea of the Pandoras Box she is about to open . . . and I had no idea how late I was about to stay up reading to find out what happened next. The intricate storyline goes beyond a simple hero versus villain suspense tale to the dueling capacities for good and evil that reside in us all. Burying Daisy Doe is the kind of book that makes you want to sleep with the light on yet compels you to read into the night, as answers reveal more questions. It kept me guessing and kept me up late . . . and I cant recommend it highly enough. -- Jodie Bailey, award-winning author of romantic military suspense
I absolutely loved Burying Daisy Doe and cannot wait for the next Star Cavanaugh Cold Case. Richards seamlessly combined all the things I love into one fabulous story: a heroine to root forand a hunky police chief shed be a fool to resista tightly-plotted mystery, a small town peppered with lovable, quirky characters, and ultimately, justice for those whod waited much too long to receive it. This series will definitely go on my auto-buy list. Highly recommended! -- Connie Mann, author of the Safe Harbor and Florida Wildlife Warriors series
A terrific read! Burying Daisy Doe has it alla gripping story, excellent pacing, great characters, and a richly detailed setting. -- Rick Acker, best-selling suspense author