Finally, a clear and accurate treatise of a subject few ministers tackle today. Breaking Curses, Experiencing Healing is your key to freedom, with
explanations for what really goes on in the spiritual realm.
Keith and Mary Hudson, Keith Hudson Ministries
Pastor Tom Brown has hit the mark with Breaking Curses, Experiencing Healing. He deals with the complete spectrum of physical, mental,
and emotional diseases, as well as the destructive issue of homosexuality. In doing so, I believe Tom addresses the real reasons why a person deals with cross-gender feelings, as well as the steps to overcome this identity crisis. This is a must-read for anyone struggling with diseases that may have a spiritual root.
Dr. Jim Willoughby, President, International Convention of Faith Ministries
The vast majority of Christians today are almost completely ignorant of the nature of evil spirits. Because many pastors are fearful of things they do not understand, they choose to ignore this portion of Christs ministry. As a result, multitudes of peopleincluding Christiansare needlessly
living in torment. Many contemporary pastors have rejected the idea that Christians can have a demon, thereby eliminating the section of Jesus Great Commission that instructs believers to "heal the sick" and "cast out demons" (Matthew 10:8 NKJV). I believe that Pastor Tom Brown has answered a call to minister to the sick, afflicted, and tormented with an emphasis on the casting out of demons that is comparable to that of the New Testament church.
Dr. Bill Basansky, Former Trustee, International Convention of Faith Ministries