Bread That Is Broken
Stock No: WW643171
Bread That Is Broken  -     By: Wilfrid Stinissen

Bread That Is Broken

Ignatius Press / 2020 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW643171

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Stock No: WW643171
Ignatius Press / 2020 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Bread That Is Broken
By: Wilfrid Stinissen
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 120
Vendor: Ignatius Press
Publication Date: 2020
Dimensions: 7.00 X 4.70 X 0.50 (inches)
Weight: 4 ounces
ISBN: 1621643174
ISBN-13: 9781621643173
Stock No: WW643171

Publisher's Description

The Holy Eucharist is the Church's most precious treasure, the source and summit of her worship and life. The Church is built upon and around the Eucharist.

In this book, a renowned spiritual writer and Carmelite priest shows how receiving the Lord in the Eucharist has profound consequences, because the Eucharist is not only the great Sacrament that brings about oneness with Christ and with the faithful but also the foundational norm for Christian behavior. Any Christian who wonders how he should act, he writes, will find the answer in the Eucharist. He is called to become like Jesus--bread that is broken"for the life of the world" (Jn 6:51).

According to Saint Thomas Aquinas, all the sacraments are directed toward the Eucharist as toward their final purpose. The author explains that the Church must therefore guard this precious gift. He correctly challenges the faithful to approach the Eucharist with great reverence and a clear conscience so as not to receive the Lord unworthily but to become his sacrificing and serving people.

Author Bio

Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen, O.C.D., was born in Antwerp, Belgium, where he entered the Carmelite Order in 1944. He was sent to Sweden in 1967 to co-found a small contemplative community. His many books on the spiritual life have been translated into multiple languages. Among his works available in English are Into Your Hands, Father; Eternity in the Midst of Time; Bread That Is Broken; Mary in the Bible and in Our Lives; and The Holy Spirit, Fire of Divine Love, all published by Ignatius Press.

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