Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50: New International Commentary on the Old Testament
Stock No: WW2309
Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50: New International Commentary on the Old Testament    -     By: Victor P. Hamilton

Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50: New International Commentary on the Old Testament

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Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 1994 / Hardcover

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Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. / 1994 / Hardcover

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Product Description

In this volume, Hamilton expounds Genesis 18-50 verse by verse and provides linguistic, literary, and theological commentary of its overarching theme; Yahweh's faithfulness to his promised word and his covenant with those who were chosen to receive it. This evangelical, thorough work features a comprehensive introduction, copious footnotes, and references to the New Testament writers' interpretations of Genesis.

Product Information

Title: Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50: New International Commentary on the Old Testament
By: Victor P. Hamilton
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 800
Vendor: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
Publication Date: 1994
Dimensions: 6 1/2 X 9 1/2 X 1 3/4 (inches)
Weight: 2 pounds 14 ounces
ISBN: 0802823092
ISBN-13: 9780802823090
Series: NICOT
Stock No: WW2309

Publisher's Description

In this volume, Hamilton expounds Genesis 18-50 verse by verse and provides linguistic, literary, and theological commentary of its overarching theme; Yahweh's faithfulness to his promised word and his covenant with those who were chosen to receive it. This evangelical, thorough work features a comprehensive introduction, copious footnotes, and references to the New Testament writers' interpretations of Genesis.

Author Bio

Victor P. Hamilton was professor of Bible and theology at Asbury University for more than thirty years. His books include Handbook on the Pentateuch and Handbook on the Historical Books.

Editorial Reviews

Bibliotheca Sacra
"A standard resource for scholarly and nonscholarly students of Genesis for many years to come."

Currents in Theology and Mission
"H. provides a fresh translation, copious notes and bibliography, and an 'evangelical' reading of the text, including frequent paragraphs that discuss the New Testament appropriation of Genesis. . . He has ransacked the immense secondary literature on Genesis and provides fair and remarkably clear discussions of controverted points. . . Its clear verse-by-verse layout makes it a delight to consult on specific points. . . I plan to keep his two-volume commentary close at hand and refer to it often."

Expository Times
"An attractive exposition of the text, showing how it is possible to argue for the coherence of the completed book. . . This is a commentary which brings the stories to life."

Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete (IZBG)
"As is evident from the bibliographical notes that occasionally take up the better part of a page, Hamilton has digested much of the international scholarship on Genesis, and all serious students of the Bible's first book will use the present commentary with much profit. It is a mine of information, to be accessed through several indexes. Scholars would be ill advised to ignore this fine work."

Librarian's World
"One of our leading evangelical Old Testament scholars completes with this volume an amazingly detailed study of the first book of the Bible. It is a gold mine for teachers and serious Bible students who want to go more deeply than what is given in teachers' books and study Bibles. . . The best evangelical commentary on Genesis."

Old Testament Essays
"The book is well structured and contains a useful index of abbreviations at the beginning of the book, and indexes of subjects, authors, scriptural references and of transliterated Hebrew worlds at the end of the book. Of great importance is the author's excellent attempt at giving significant meaning to contemporary preaching in the Church. Hamilton's work will certainly suit the needs of scholars, seminarians and ministers who still require to get involved with a solid exegesis on the Biblical text. This is a highly recommended work for ministers and Old Testament scholars."

Scripture Bulletin (U.K.)
"A concise, well-informed, conservative interpretation of Genesis 18-50. While rejecting the Documentary Hypothesis, the work offers fine insights into narratology, its references to secondary literature will allow the interested student to pursue disputed questions further."

Society of O. T. Study Book List
"An excellent, stimulating commentary which is perceptive and highlights many subtle nuances of the text."

Southwestern Journal of Theology
"There are several fine Genesis commentaries; Hamilton's receives the award for best-all-around. . . The New International Commentary on the Old Testament (NICOT) is the best all-around Old Testament commentary set for most pastors, students, and lay people who are serious about Bible Study."

The Catholic Biblical Quarterly
"Scholars of all varieties will benefit from Hamilton's newly completed two-volume commentary on Genesis. Avowedly conservative and evangelical, H. attempts to present a fully scholarly commentary blended with theological reflection. . . Close attention to detail is what one expects in a commentary, and H. fulfills this expectation. . . A valuable contribution. It deserves to be consulted in tandem with the recent major commentaries on Genesis by C. Westermann and G. J. Wenham."

"A magnificent tool for the exegesis of Genesis 18-50. Henceforth, students of Genesis have at hand an enormous store of information and sound analysis to guide them."

Theological Book Review (U.K.)
"A major enterprise, which should find its place on library shelves alongside Westermann, von Rad and Speiser."

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