Black Theology in Dialogue
Stock No: WW4240224
Black Theology in Dialogue  -     By: J. Deotis Roberts

Black Theology in Dialogue

Westminster John Knox Press / 1987 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW4240224

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Stock No: WW4240224
Westminster John Knox Press / 1987 / Paperback

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Product Description

Challenging all who are concerned about religion in today's world, the author outlines a new way of looking at the essential questions. His insights are drawn from a black theology come of age; his method is contextualization. Roberts proposes a theology concerned with concrete and specific situations that also retains a universal vision.

Product Information

Title: Black Theology in Dialogue
By: J. Deotis Roberts
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Westminster John Knox Press
Publication Date: 1987
Dimensions: 9 X 6 (inches)
Weight: 7 ounces
ISBN: 0664240224
ISBN-13: 9780664240226
Stock No: WW4240224

Publisher's Description

Challenging all who are concerned about religion in today's world, J. Deotis Roberts outlines a new way of looking at the essential questions. Roberts proposes a theology concerned with concrete and specific situations that also retains a universal vision. In discussing the relationship of American black thought to African, liberation, feminist, Asian, and Euro-American theologies, he covers significant religious issues such as love, justice, power, and evil.

Author Bio

J. Deotis Roberts is a highly esteemed theologian who was one of the founders of the Black Theology movement. He has taught and held administrative posts at a number of theological institutions. Among his books are The Prophethood of Black Believers: An African American Political Theology for Ministry, Black Theology in Dialogue, Liberation and Reconciliation: A Black Theology, and A Black Political Theology, all available from WJK.

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