Birth Right: God's Plan for Your Pregnancy Journey - eBook
Stock No: WW28162EB
Birth Right: God's Plan for Your Pregnancy Journey - eBook  -     By: Julie Werner

Birth Right: God's Plan for Your Pregnancy Journey - eBook

Harrison House / 2012 / ePub

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Harrison House / 2012 / ePub
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Product Description

How could something that God created to be so natural become so unnatural? We live in a world filled with news of rising rates of miscarriage, premature births, and fertility treatments. In this 40-week devotional, author Julie Werner takes you through each week of pregnancy, with an explanation of how your baby is growing, what you might be experiencing, and promises from the Scriptures that you can apply each week. Packed with real-life testimonies from fellow moms who have been in these tough situations and tips on how to survive dreaded pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and swollen ankles, Birth Right covers every inch of your pregnancy. Most importantly, learn how God has promised to never leave you or abandon you in any situation and how He wants to give you the desires of your heart.

Product Information

Title: Birth Right: God's Plan for Your Pregnancy Journey - eBook
By: Julie Werner
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: Harrison House
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 9781606833759
ISBN-13: 9781606833759
Stock No: WW28162EB

Publisher's Description

There is certainly no lack of information when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. It's everywhere in print and on the Internet. The question is - what is relevant, and right for my baby and me? After reading some pregnancy books, many mothers-to-be are confused, overwhelmed and fearful, instead of walking in faith and with the divine peace that God intended for the pregnancy journey. Birth Right is a unique book that focuses on what God says about your pregnancy. It is perfectly balanced with relevant medical information, scriptural insight and the common sense experiences of many moms that have been in the exact place that you are, with the same feelings and questions as you. You will treasure the practical no-nonsense how-to's and self-care tips that come from years of experience. Birth Right also address the most common concerns and warning signs so that you can be armed with knowledge and wisdom, but it skillfully approaches these potential issues from a position of faith, balance and confidence, so you know that every decision you make is done through faith and not fear.

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