Bioethics and the Christian Life: A Guide to Making Difficult Decisions
Stock No: WW501449
Bioethics and the Christian Life: A Guide to Making Difficult Decisions  -     By: David VanDrunen

Bioethics and the Christian Life: A Guide to Making Difficult Decisions

Crossway / 2009 / Paperback

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Product Description

Without question, argues David Vandrunen in Bioethics and The Christian Life, Christians are facing unparalleled difficulty in facing the moral questions posed by the increasingly complex field of bio-ethics. Where do we draw lines? What is permissible? Despite the great possibility that current progress in bio-ethics will make life both better and longer, there also a looms "the eerie forebodings of a future that is less humane" that creates "a so-called 'culture of death'" (pp. 11-12). How are we to faithfully respond? Vandrunen's book is written to address this perplexing situation.Vandrunen want Christians to come to a better understanding of how to respond to the bioethical questions that confront them" by elucidating the major issues in bioethics and their implications for believers. As such, this book makes no claim to be a clarion call to social action or a social commentary, but an honest assessment of the issues and how believers can formulate a bioethic of their own from the perspective of their faith.

Product Information

Title: Bioethics and the Christian Life: A Guide to Making Difficult Decisions
By: David VanDrunen
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 288
Vendor: Crossway
Publication Date: 2009
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 (inches)
Weight: 13 ounces
ISBN: 1433501449
ISBN-13: 9781433501449
Stock No: WW501449

Publisher's Description

An introduction to bioethics decision making within the context of the theological principles, wisdom, and virtue underlying the broader Christian life. For thoughtful laypeople, pastors, elders, and seminarians.

Author Bio

David VanDrunen (PhD, Loyola University Chicago) is the Robert B. Strimple Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics at Westminster Seminary California in Escondido, California.


David VanDrunen's purpose in writing Bioethics and the Christian Life appears to be to present issues of life and death without pressuring the reader to accept one position over another. If you are looking for specific guidance about an issue, you will be somewhat disappointed. VanDrunen discusses many of the current issues facing Christians with regard to bioethics, such as in-vitro fertilization, adoption, and euthanasia. The book is broken into three parts, and Part 1 lays a foundation for the sequential sections. This foundation consists of defining terms and trying to create a level playing field where Christians with differing opinions can meet. Part 2 is mostly about the major issues about life, including the purpose of marriage, procreation, assisted reproduction, and the status of human life when it is still very young. Part 3 focuses on death and how Christians should interact with medical technologies that allow them to prolong life.

The book introduces people to these very sensitive and mostly recent issues. The Christian ethics and morals used in this book are solid, but the material is not fully developed. Whereas the issues are well introduced, there are very few real conclusions given. VanDrunen mostly recommends that Christians should carefully consider their motives for whichever difficult challenges they face. He does not have a stance on the majority of the issues. There are a couple of instances where he does have a position, but some of those positions seem controversial, if not extreme. This book could be effectively used as a discussion starter in churches or schools, but it might be disturbing to someone facing a life and death ethical issue all alone. – Andrew Broersma,

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