Biblical Worship
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Biblical Worship  -     Edited By: Benjamin K. Forrest, Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Vernon M. Whaley

Biblical Worship

Kregel Academic & Professional / 2021 / Hardcover

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Product Description

While many books on worship focus on contemporary trends, Biblical Worship plumbs every book of the Bible to uncover its teaching on worship and then applies these insights to our lives and churches today. A team of respected evangelical scholars unearths insights into a variety of issues surrounding worship, including:

  • The Old Testament concept of worship
  • Worship before the Exodus
  • Worship in the Old Testament feasts and celebrations
  • Worship in the Psalms of Lament and Thanksgiving
  • The New Testament concept of worship
  • Worship in the Gospels
  • Worship in Acts
  • Worship in the Pastoral Epistles, and much more.

Pastors, worship leaders, instructors, and anyone who wants to grow in their knowledge of the Bible's full teaching on worship and how it applies today will benefit from this volume, part of the Biblical Theology for the Church series.

Product Information

Title: Biblical Worship
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 544
Vendor: Kregel Academic & Professional
Publication Date: 2021
Dimensions: 9.0 X 6.0 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 14 ounces
ISBN: 0825445566
ISBN-13: 9780825445569
Stock No: WW5445569

Publisher's Description

A biblical theology of worship spanning both the Old and New Testaments

While many books on worship focus on contemporary trends, Biblical Worship plumbs every book of the Bible to uncover its teaching on worship and then applies these insights to our lives and churches today. A team of respected evangelical scholars unearths insights into a variety of issues surrounding worship, including:
  • The Old Testament concept of worship
  • Worship before the Exodus
  • Worship in the Old Testament feasts and celebrations
  • Worship in the Psalms of Lament and Thanksgiving
  • The New Testament concept of worship
  • Worship in the Gospels
  • Worship in Acts
  • Worship in the Pastoral Epistles, and much more.
Pastors, worship leaders, instructors, and anyone who wants to grow in their knowledge of the Bible’s full teaching on worship and how it applies today will benefit from this volume, part of the Biblical Theology for the Church series.

Author Bio

Benjamin K. Forrest is associate dean of the college of arts and sciences at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He is coauthor of Good Arguments: Making your Case in Writing and Public Speaking and co-editor of The History of Apologetics: A Biographical and Methodological Introduction. Walter C. Kaiser Jr. (PhD, Brandeis University) is distinguished professor emeritus of Old Testament and president emeritus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. Dr. Kaiser has written over 40 books, including Toward an Exegetical Theology, The Messiah in the Old Testament, and The Promise-Plan of God; and coauthored An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics. Dr. Kaiser and his wife, Nancy, live in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin. Vernon M. Whaley (Ph.D. University of Oklahoma; DWS Liberty University; DMin Luther Rice Seminary) is Associate Vice President of Program Development for Music and Worship Arts at Trevecca University in Nashville, Tn. He served for 15 years as Dean of the School of Music and Director of the Center for Worship at Liberty University in Lynchburg VA. He is author of several books including: The Way of Worship, Called to Worship, The Great Commission to Worship, Worship and Witness, Worship through the Ages, The Dynamics of Corporate Worship, and Exalt His Name (Book 1 & 2).

Editorial Reviews

“Worship has been described as the source and summit of the entire Christian life. Orthodoxy in its foundational etymology is ‘right or true doxology or glory.’ Or more simply, it is ‘right worship.’ The intimate marriage of biblical theology with worship theology and practice is therefore a most crucial and relevant endeavor. Biblical Worship: Theology for God’s Glory is truly an invaluable compendium to that end, outlining the scriptural foundations for the expression of right theology in the worship of God’s people throughout the entire biblical narrative. The theological, devotional, and moral/ethical formation in which God’s people are, and have always been, called to participate in worship is indeed for the very life of the world and the advancement of God’s kingdom.” -- Dr James Hart, President, Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies, Jacksonville, FL

“Christ followers have been called to submit their whole lives as a living sacrifice. Biblical Worship: Theology for God’s Glory provides a wealth of information that facilitates just that—theology unto the glory of God. The authors accomplish their purpose of developing biblical doxology, submissive homage, and worshipful response to the revelation of the Almighty. By looking both backward to the worship of the Old Testament and forward to the worship of the New Testament, readers are able to see the consistency and seamlessness of God’s design for worship and make practical applications to present-day doxology, aiding the spiritual act of worship which is holy and pleasing to God.” -- Dr Hanna Byrd, Liberty University School of Music

“In a world that is driven by pragmatics and the appearance of success, I welcome any and all efforts to recover a biblical theology of worship and to demonstrate its importance for the church today. This volume makes an extremely important contribution to that project. The editors have given us access to a magnificent collection of essays by more than thirty scholars, all writing from their areas of expertise, and covering most of the genres of Scripture. The result is a kaleidoscope of images of biblical worship ranging from essays that focus on the function of liturgy and cult to daily life as worship, but all drawing on the Scriptures for their portrayal of worship that pleases and glorifies God.” -- Daniel Block, Guenther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament,Wheaton College Graduate School

Biblical Worship: Theology for God’s Glory is a comprehensive guide that’s deeply rooted in Scripture and grounded in solid exegesis, while also eminently approachable for worship leaders—which I mean in its broadest sense. The thirty-four men and women whose scholarship comprise this work have explored the topic with a depth and breadth that few resources can claim. It’s an excellent book.” -- Dr Sandra Glahn, Professor of Media Arts and Worship, Dallas Theological Seminary

“In the revelation within the Bible, there is an inexhaustible beauty to God. As nothing limits God’s power or love, there seems to be no limits to the proper wonder and awe of the Lord God, too. Biblical Worship: Theology for God’s Glory helps us see this amazing breadth of how biblical people have worshiped the God revealed in the Scriptures. Come, read how biblical authors have been ‘lost in wonder, love, and praise’ and be drawn into the same with them.” -- Lester Ruth, Research Professor of Christian Worship, Duke Divinity School

“As believers we are called upon to worship the Lord, and this volume helps us grasp what the biblical writers mean by worship. We are treated to a guided tour of the canon by the contributors to the volume, and thereby we are enriched by the diverse expressions of worship in the Scriptures. The significance of the biblical teaching is applied to the contemporary world, and I am grateful for this fine work which reminds us afresh that we are called upon to worship in spirit and truth.” -- Thomas R. Schreiner, Professor of Biblical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Worship is at the heart of the Bible, but the changing patterns of worship through the biblical story can be a challenge for readers. This book leaves no part of the biblical canon out of account and consistently develops the implications for our personal and corporate prayer and worship today. It could well form the guide to an ambitious program of Bible study, following this all-important strand through the Bible and so broadening and deepening our communion with God.” -- Richard Bauckham, Emeritus Professor of New Testament Studies, University of St Andrews, Scotland

"We need more compendiums such as this brilliantly conceived aggregation of influential scholarly voices on biblical worship "in practice and posture.” This interdisciplinary, interdenominational, international tome is well conceived, well constructed and a much needed contribution to the field and a gift to the Church." -- Emmett G. Price, III, Professor of Worship, Church & Culture, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

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