John H. Hayes
-coauthor of Biblical Exegesis: A Beginners Handbook
This excellent, comprehensive, and well-written volume will be an invaluable aid to students and an indispensable reference for scholars.
Philip Davies
-University of Sheffield
"The rapidly-changing scenario of 'biblical history' is certainly in need of a clear, balanced and comprehensive explanation. This book certainly fills that requirement, providing a first-class resource for the scholar and the student, and I can recommend no better book for a new generation of biblical historians. This book will not be standing on my bookshelf. It will lie permanently on my desk. I congratulate the authors on a splendid achievement.
Brent A. Strawn
-coauthor of Qumran Studies: New Approaches, New Questions
"In this highly readable and remarkably comprehensive study, Megan Moore and Brad Kelle have put all biblical scholars in their debt whether they are specialists in the study of ancient and/or biblical history (the two are not the same, as they rightly point out) or not. The book is a one-stop shop in the changing state of the study of Israel's past since 1970, but it also includes Moore and Kelle's own judicious commentary and prognostications for the future. This volume is not to be missed!