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Biblia de una joven conforme al corazón de Dios RVR 1960, Lujo Floral (Young Woman After God's Own Heart, Deluxe Floral)
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Product Description
▼▲Una Biblia que integra pensamientos devocionales y otros recursos adicionales diseñados para ayudar a las mujeres de entre 16 y 25 años a descubrir el poder transformador de la Palabra de Dios. Las lectoras jóvenes serán inspiradas, ampliarán su comprensión y recibirán aliento a través de los 365 devocionales incluidos y diversas herramientas de estudio integral como 350 notas de estudio que incluyen datos y perspectivas para entender el contexto de la Escritura y facilitar su aplicación, biografías, promesas y una introducción a cada libro de la Biblia. Todas las notas y herramientas fueron escritas o desarrolladas por Elizabeth George.
A Bible that integrates devotional thoughts and additional resources designed to help women ages 16-25 discover the transformative power of God's Word. Young women will be inspired and encouraged through the 365 devotionals and various comprehensive study tools such as 350 study notes that include facts and perspectives to understand the context of Scripture and facilitate its application, biographies, promises and an introduction to each book of the Bible. All notes and tools were written or developed by Elizabeth George.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Biblia de una joven conforme al corazón de Dios RVR 1960, Lujo Floral (Young Woman After God's Own Heart, Deluxe Floral) Format: Imitation Leather Number of Pages: 1416 Vendor: Editorial Portavoz Publication Date: 2021 Dimensions: 8.50 X 6.00 (inches) Weight: 2 pounds 10 ounces ISBN: 0825459206 ISBN-13: 9780825459207 | Text Color: Black Letter Text Size: 9 Point Thumb Index: No Ribbon Marker: Yes Spine: Glued Page Gilding: Silver Stock No: WW459203 Imprintable: No |
Publisher's Description
▼▲Una Biblia que integra pensamientos devocionales y otros recursos adicionales diseñados para ayudar a las mujeres de entre 16 y 25 años a descubrir el poder transformador de la Palabra de Dios. Las lectoras jóvenes serán inspiradas, ampliarán su comprensión y recibirán aliento a través de los 365 devocionales incluidos y diversas herramientas de estudio integral como 350 notas de estudio que incluyen datos y perspectivas para entender el contexto de la Escritura y facilitar su aplicación, biografías, promesas y una introducción a cada libro de la Biblia. Todas las notas y herramientas fueron escritas o desarrolladas por Elizabeth George.
Wisdom from Elizabeth's heart to young women as they grow in faith and independence. A Bible that integrates devotional thoughts and additional resources designed to help women ages 16-25 discover the transformative power of God's Word. Young women will be inspired and encouraged through the 365 devotionals and various comprehensive study tools such as 350 study notes that include facts and perspectives to understand the context of Scripture and facilitate its application, biographies, promises and an introduction to each book of the Bible. All notes and tools were written or developed by Elizabeth George.
Author Bio
▼▲Elizabeth George, whose books have sold more than 6.5 million copies, is the author of A Woman After God's Own Heart® (more than 1 million copies sold) and Breaking the Worry Habit Forever!> She's also a popular speaker at Christian women's events. Elizabeth and her husband, Jim, are parents and grandparents, and have been active in ministry for more than thirty years.
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