Why Is That in the Bible?: The Most Perplexing Verses and Stories-and What They Teach Us
Stock No: WW233993
Why Is That in the Bible?: The Most Perplexing Verses and Stories-and What They Teach Us  -     By: Eric J. Bargerhuff

Why Is That in the Bible?: The Most Perplexing Verses and Stories-and What They Teach Us

Bethany House / 2020 / Paperback

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Product Description

What can we learn from a Bible story about a talking donkey? What about the account in Joshua where the sun and moon stand still? Should biblical directives like women wearing head coverings still be followed today? Tackling such tricky questions head-on, Bargerhuff provides fascinating historical and theological insights that help to demystify puzzling passages. 256 pages, softcover from Bethany.

Product Information

Title: Why Is That in the Bible?: The Most Perplexing Verses and Stories-and What They Teach Us
By: Eric J. Bargerhuff
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 240
Vendor: Bethany House
Publication Date: 2020
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 10 ounces
ISBN: 0764233998
ISBN-13: 9780764233999
Stock No: WW233993

Publisher's Description

The Bible Passages You've Always Wondered about--Explained

What should we make of the Bible story about a talking donkey? What about the passage in Joshua where the sun and moon stood still? Should biblical practices like women wearing head coverings still be followed today? The Bible serves as the foundation for all of Christian life, crossing time and transcending cultures, yet many passages are perplexing.

Providing fascinating historical and scriptural insights, Eric J. Bargerhuff demystifies forty Bible verses and stories. Ranging from strange accounts, such as bears mauling forty-two boys (2 Kings 2), to hard-to-accept statements, such as Jesus saying we must hate our families in order to be his disciples (Luke 14), you will learn the context of each passage and how it applies to us today. Other fascinating accounts include

· The Finger on the Wall
· "Lead Us Not into Temptation"
· Jeremiah's Linen Underwear
· "No One Knows the Day or the Hour"
· The Battle for Moses' Body
· Death at Communion

In all, this book will help you be more confident about interpreting all of God's Word accurately.

Author Bio

Eric J. Bargerhuff, PhD, is a professor of Bible and theology and the Vice President for Academic Affairs at Trinity College, as well as a Professor of Bible and Theology and the Director of the Honors Program. He served in pastoral ministry for more than twenty years in churches in Ohio, Illinois, and Florida. He received his doctorate in biblical and systematic theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Eric's passion is to write about the interpretation and application of biblical principles for the purposes of spiritual growth and reform in the church. He and his family live in Trinity, Florida.

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