Mike Poteet is a freelance writer and Teaching Elder (ordained minister) in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He regularly contributes to Christian education resources for youth and adults, and has authored several literature study guides. In his free time, Mike blogs about intersections of faith and pop culture for The Sci-Fi Christian (www.thescifichristian.com). He is an active Sunday school teacher in a congregation near Philadelphia, PA. Follow him on Twitter (@WriterMPoteet).
Tim Gossett is the co-founder of DifferentVoice.com and a freelance writer, editor, and website project manager in Ames, Iowa. Tim is a 25-year veteran of youth ministry and has written or contributed to several books and curriculum series.
Andrea Roth Murdock is a nomad in her career, but not in her faith. Having served as a Youth Minister, Abingdon Youth Editor, and Director of Children's Ministry, she now spends her days as the Office Manager for a construction company. However, her passion for the the church remains, and she fulfills it by teaching Sunday school, singing in her church choir, and writing the occasional lesson or article for awesome resources like this! She shares her love and her life with a fantastic husband, three crazy sons, and one adorable Boxer dog.
Julie Conrady, writer of teacher articles, has written for
Bible Lessons for Youth since 2006. She has taught all ages in churches and in schools, but especially likes working with youth. She currently serves as a Chaplain Intern at a local hospital and enjoys scrapbooking, reading, and playing videogames in her spare time. She lives in Norman, Oklahoma, with her husband Josh, dog MollyJane, and black cats Seuss and SamIAm.