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Bible Heroes: Writing Lessons in Structure & Style
Product Description
▼▲Bible Heroes: Writing Lessons in Structure and Style provides children with Bible-based writing lessons that follow the methods of the Institute for Excellence in Writing's Teaching Writing: Structure and Style course.
Designed for students in grades 1-2, but adaptable through 5th grade (IEW Level A), this book contains 27 lessons that introduce the TWSS models of structure (TWSS Units 1-7) and elements of style such as "dress-ups." Units cover: key word outlining; writing from key word outlines; summarizing narrative stories; summarizing references (reports); writing from pictures; and creative writing. Lessons focus on godly men and women of the Bible, and show students how they can apply godly virtues to their lives. Each lesson includes a Bible verse, while games and activities provide a way to engage students.
This book also comes with access to a free download of the accompanying Bible Heroes Writing Lessons Teacher's e-Book and the Student Resource Notebook. The Teacher's e-book is a vital component of this course, and includes detailed lesson instructions, a scope and sequence, ideas for discussing heroes and virtues, answers to review questions, samples, instructions for games, copies of checklists, and more.
Reproducible for in-family use. 221 pages, spiral-bound softcover including cut-apart cardstock items for style helps, games, and vocabulary cards. Designed for grades 1-2; can be used up to grade 5.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Bible Heroes: Writing Lessons in Structure & Style By: Lori Verstegen Format: Other Vendor: Institute for Excellence in Writing Publication Date: 2013 | Weight: 1 pound 10 ounces ISBN: 1623411173 ISBN-13: 9781623411176 Stock No: WW549010 |
Ask a Question
▼▲Q: How do I access the Downloadable Teacher's Manual??? Please let me know how I am supposed to access the Teacher's Manual. I have purchased directly form IEW, in the past, and was able to access the downloadable items from their site. How would I do so for this item, if not purchased from their site? Do you have an area that I should go to or a pass code, etc. ????
There is a blue sheet of paper in the front of the book titled, "Accessing Your Downloads". This page gives you instructions for how to download related items.
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