Beyond the Fringes
Stock No: WW976979
Beyond the Fringes  -     By: Janet Muthmann

Beyond the Fringes

Xulon Press / 2013 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW976979

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Stock No: WW976979
Xulon Press / 2013 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Beyond the Fringes
By: Janet Muthmann
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 320
Vendor: Xulon Press
Publication Date: 2013
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.51 X 0.67 (inches)
Weight: 13 ounces
ISBN: 162697697X
ISBN-13: 9781626976979
Stock No: WW976979

Publisher's Description

Life is never a straight-forward path to success, adventure, heroism, title, fame, fortune or the particular placement we envision for ourselves in the early years. It is the path between dawn and sunset that causes us to stop and ponder, "Who is this God who led us through this maze of life?" That is what we look for when we pick up a book to read, to learn from, to be amazed by, or satisfy our curiosity. Maybe that is why Janet's mother taught her at a very young age, "Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth" (Prov. 27:1). Being a thoughtful child, she pondered this plenty while growing up. Finishing high school, graduating from college, first job, marriage, teaching music; but none of these things flashed lights in the direction of any of the above. Later as a kindergarten teacher, and art teacher these became secondary to being mother of two children. Only then, did God begin to agitate the close knit group called 'family'. Soon agitation became desperation, as in "Where are You, God? We don't like this. Please show us Your way, and lead us in a direction we can understand and follow. We can't do this without You." If you have 'been there, done that', then you must read this book, because whatever or wherever you are, "God has been there, done that "

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