Beyond the Broken Heart: Daily Devotions for Your Grief Journey - eBook
Stock No: WW27565EB
Beyond the Broken Heart: Daily Devotions for Your Grief Journey - eBook  -     By: Julie Yarbrough

Beyond the Broken Heart: Daily Devotions for Your Grief Journey - eBook

Abingdon Press / 2012 / ePub

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Stock No: WW27565EB

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Abingdon Press / 2012 / ePub
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Product Description

This daily devotional offers comforting and encouraging devotions for the first year of your grief journey. Each month begins with a brief reflection from the author's own experience, followed by a Scripture and meditation that sets the stage for that month. Each short daily meditation includes a Scripture, a thought to consider, a prayer, and words of assurance. Space is provided at the end of each month for recording your thoughts and feelings along your journey of grief. eBook version.

Product Information

Title: Beyond the Broken Heart: Daily Devotions for Your Grief Journey - eBook
By: Julie Yarbrough
Format: DRM Protected ePub
Vendor: Abingdon Press
Publication Date: 2012
ISBN: 9781426758683
ISBN-13: 9781426758683
Stock No: WW27565EB

Publisher's Description

Daily Devotions for Your Grief Journey provides comforting and encouraging devotions for the first year of the grief journey. Each month begins with a short personal reflection by the author related to the month’s theme, followed by a Preparation Scripture and meditation that set the stage for the next four weeks. Each brief daily meditation includes Scripture, a thought to consider, a prayer, and words of assurance. Space is provided at the end of each month for recording the inmost thoughts and feelings along the journey of grief.

Daily Devotions for Your Grief Journey can be used as a stand-alone devotional or part of the eight-week support and ministry program, Beyond the Broken Heart. In this program, author Julie Yarbrough chronicles her personal experience combined with a deep love of Scripture and years of leading grief support groups to create an authentic and deeply personal exploration of the grief journey.


"Julie Yarbrough has walked through the valley of the shadow of death and experienced the pain and anguish of great grief, and she knows firsthand the comfort and strength that only God can provide. I commend this remarkable grief ministry program to you highly."

James W. Moore, Pastor in Residence, Highland Park United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas


"With wisdom informed by her own experience and a warm regard for those who grieve, Julie Yarbrough guides the brokenhearted on an honest journey toward acceptance and hope. A refreshingly excellent resource for grief support."

Stephan Bauman, Senior Minister, Christ Church New York City

"Julie Yarbrough weaves understanding, care, and comfort together in such a way that the seemingly intolerable becomes tolerable, one breath at a time. This resource provides everything you need to promote, establish, and conduct grief groups throughout the year."

Judith Bone, Director of Adult Discipleship, Brentwood United Methodist Church, Nashville, Tennessee


Author Bio

Julie Yarbrough is a native of Dallas, Texas, and the author of the grief ministry program Beyond the Broken Heart: A Journey Through Grief and the book Inside the Broken Heart. Inspired by her personal experience after the death of her husband, Dr. Leighton Farrell, senior minister at Highland Park United Methodist Church for many years, Julie established a support group for widows and widowers and began writing articles and books for persons who are grieving. She also is the author of Peace of Mind: Financial Management for Life, an estate planning guide. With over 30 years' experience in business management, Julie currently serves as president of Yarbrough Investments.

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