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Beware of the Dog: Breaking Free of Abusive Relationships - eBook
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Product Information
▼▲Title: Beware of the Dog: Breaking Free of Abusive Relationships - eBook By: Jean Houghton Format: DRM Free ePub Vendor: WestBow Press | Publication Date: 2011 ISBN: 9781449706500 ISBN-13: 9781449706500 Stock No: WW25437EB |
Publisher's Description
After twenty years of teaching Family Life Education and experiencing the devastation of abusive relationships, I offer real life tools to enable the reader to recognize real love, avoid the counterfeits and understand God's desire to heal us when we make poor choices.
Author/Artist Review
▼▲Author: Jean Skelton Libby
Submitted: December 08, 2017
Tell us a little about yourself. I survived two abusive husbands while teaching Family and Consumer Sciences electives to thousands of high school students over 40 years. I was immersed in a culture of young people from every kind of home life imaginable and as I shared some of my own experiences, many opened up with their own horror stories. Every year I was aware of students who got out of abusive relationships after they learned the red flags of offenders. Also I became more acutely informed about how my devotion to help these broken men affected my own children; that will always be my deepest regret. Real love cannot be found in an abusive relationship.
What was your motivation behind this project? Several years after recovering from the second abuser, God made it clear in my heart that I had a burden for women who get trapped by abusers and that I needed to share what I had learned from my experiences in the light of all I knew and taught about child development, family life, and healthy relationships.
What do you hope folks will gain from this project? I hope those who are in abusive relationships will realize how terribly wrong they are being treated and how if they have children, they are being affected in ways that will last a life time. Also that other readers will become aware of the red flags that creep into relationships so that they can avoid staying in a potentially abusive relationship or help others avoid them completely. Abuse can be passed down through generations and disables all in its destructive wake to not become the people God created them to be. Don't let it go on; intervene in this cycle and create healthy relationships that enables individuals to thrive.
How were you personally impacted by working on this project? I was a teacher, not a writer and became aware that I could abide in God to rely on His help to write my story. I was reluctant to have any English teacher friends read it when published, for fear it wasn't well written. But the feed back from readers, including counselors, English teachers, students and other adults, including men, has been resoundingly positive. Many have said it is a "must read" to better understand the dynamics of domestic violence. See bewareofthedogbook.com for reader comments.
Who are your influences, sources of inspiration or favorite authors / artists? I have read hundreds of Christian books over the years and done and taught many Bible studies through which I have grown in my faith. To name a few: The Bible, The Daily Bread, Oswald Chamber's-My Utmost For His Highest, C.S. Lewis's-The Great Divorce, Bible Studies by Beth Moore, James MacDonald, Angela Thomas, Charles Stanley, and others, Joyce Meyers books like Battlefield of the Mind and others, Same Kind of Different as Me, Jesus Calling, Phillip Yancey books including The Jesus I Never Knew, Stormie Omartian books, Max Lucado books, and many about after death experiences to get glimpses of heaven.
Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know: Domestic violence kills women and children every day in our society. I was personally terrified of my abusers but hopeful in my faith that my love and prayers would make a difference. Unless the change for a healthy relationship is initiated by the abuser, I tend toward recommending getting out of the relationship as soon as possible. Violence accelerates over time and eventually it may become extremely dangerous to leave an abuser. "Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave His life up for her."-Ephesians 5:25 comforted me when I finally gave up on thinking I had to endure marriage while being abused.
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