Between the Cross and the Throne: The Book of Revelation
Stock No: WW996583
Between the Cross and the Throne: The Book of Revelation  -     By: Matthew Y. Emerson, Craig G. Bartholomew

Between the Cross and the Throne: The Book of Revelation

Lexham Press / 2016 / Paperback

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Lexham Press / 2016 / Paperback

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Product Description

In Between the Cross and the Throne, Matthew Emerson brings one of the least-understood books in the Bible to life for the modern Christian. Revelation was written to a community facing a period of trial and persecution. John wanted to remind his readers that God, not Satan, is ultimately sovereign and victorious. In conversational tone, Emerson takes us through the book of Revelation, explaining the deep themes often missed within the book’s complex imagery. He reminds us: We live between the time of Christ’s coming and Christ’s return—and in this tension, we can have hope.

Product Information

Title: Between the Cross and the Throne: The Book of Revelation
By: Matthew Y. Emerson, Craig G. Bartholomew
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 96
Vendor: Lexham Press
Publication Date: 2016
Dimensions: 8.00 X 5.00 (inches)
Weight: 4 ounces
ISBN: 1577996585
ISBN-13: 9781577996583
Series: Transformative Word
Stock No: WW996583

Publisher's Description

Revelation is often considered one of the most confusing books of the Bible, and consequently it's regularly overlooked or ignored. But no longer. In Between the Cross and the Throne, Matthew Emerson walks us through the book of Revelation, unpacking its complex imagery and pointing out major themes. In conversational tone, he reminds us that Christ died, but he has risen. The Lord reigns, but evil persists. We live between Christ's ascension and his final conquest--and that should give us hope.

Author Bio

Matthew Y. Emerson (PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is Dickinson Assistant Professor of Religion at Oklahoma Baptist University. He is the author of several articles and Christ and the New Creation: A Canonical Approach to the the Theology of the New Testament (Wipf & Stock, 2013). Emerson also serves as a steering committee member for the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar and senior fellow for the Center for Ancient Christian Studies.

Craig G. Bartholomew (PhD, Bristol University) is H. Evan Runner Chair of Philosophy and professor of philosophy and religion & theology, Redeemer University College. He is author of Ecclesiastes (Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms), Where Mortals Dwell, and coauthor of The Drama of Scripture.

Editorial Reviews

"If you are looking for the next great work that suggests the identity of the antichrist, predicts the time of the rapture, highlights the solely Jewish flavor of the eschaton, and provides rich descriptions of the millennium, you can go ahead and put this book down. It's not about that. This book, Between the Cross and the Throne, by Matt Emerson, is about the book of Revelation. Emerson provides a rich mosaic of exegetical, biblical-theological, and pastoral scenery for the reader to enjoy and by which they will be instructed. Emerson provides those interested with simple but altogether adequate explanations of some of Revelation's complexities (a feat in itself), a paradigm to understand the shape and message of the book, and a beautiful portrayal of Jesus as King and Savior. I think it's the best thing like it in print. It will reward scholars, pastors, and laypeople alike who pick it up. We have used it in Sunday School at Redeemer Baptist Church to our great benefit. So get it and read it. You won't regret it. May the Emerson tribe be blessed!"
--Jeff Mooney, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Old Testament Theology

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