Betrayed! Revised Edition
Stock No: WW94234
Betrayed! Revised Edition   -     By: Stan Telchin

Betrayed! Revised Edition

Chosen Books / 2007 / Paperback

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Product Description

What happens when a successful Jewish businessman is blindsided by his daughter's Christian conversion? Setting out to debunk the claims of her newfound faith, he's astonished by what he discovers---and faced with life-wrenching decisions! Discover how God can heal wounds from the bitterest conflicts in this updated edition featuring wisdom-filled words on Jewish identity. 160 pages, softcover from Chosen.

Product Information

Title: Betrayed! Revised Edition
By: Stan Telchin
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 160
Vendor: Chosen Books
Publication Date: 2007
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 7 ounces
ISBN: 0800794230
ISBN-13: 9780800794231
Stock No: WW94234

Publisher's Description

Betrayed! is the page-turning account of a loving Jewish family caught on divergent prongs of a historic conflict. When Stan Telchin's daughter accepts Jesus as her Messiah, she makes a touching plea for him to search out the truth for himself. Intending to prove her wrong, Telchin sets out on a vigorous and critical examination of the claims of Jesus Christ. He is astonished at what he learns and finds himself facing a wrenching and life-changing decision.
As readers travel with Telchin, they too will discover a deeper, fuller awareness of both Judaism and Christianity, as well as how God can heal wounds from the bitterest conflicts. Even more, readers will discover the inexorable power of the gospel. This new edition includes an update from the author and wisdom-filled words on Jewish identity.

Author Bio

Stan Telchin (1924-2012) was a Messianic Jew who proclaimed Jesus as Messiah in the U.S. and around the world. A loving and devoted husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, he pastored a nondenominational fellowship in suburban Washington, D.C., for fourteen years and served with Jews for Jesus from 2003 until his homegoing.

Author/Artist Review

Author: Stan Telchin
Submitted: June 22, 2008

    What was your motivation behind this project?  We Jews may disagree about everything else, but we have been taught to believe that Jesus is not our Messiah! So when my daughter became his follower, I felt very betrayed. How could my kid do a thing like this? Didn't she know about the crusades and the inquisition and the pogroms and the holocaust...what Christians did to our people??? To win her back I set out to disprove what she now believed. To do that I had to read what she read. And so most reluctantly I picked up the Christian Bible for the first time in my life. I thought it was going to be a book of hate against the Jewish people. After all where do these Christians get their hatred for us from? It's either from their mother's milk, I thought, or from this book that they read. But to my shock and surprise, I found it to be a Jewish book written by Jews for other Jews,about the Jewish Jesus.

If you really want to know the rest of the story and what convinced me that Jesus is our Messiah, you'll just have to read Betrayed :-)

    What do you hope folks will gain from this project?  This is a wonderful book to give to Jewish people who want to know whether or not Jesus is our Messiah -- and what believing in Him will do to their Jewish identity as Jews. Gentiles will also appreciate this book because it will give them much better understanding of what Jewish people have to go through as they consider Jesus. They will receive greater sensitivity to Jewish people and that will help motivate and equip them to pray for and reach out to Jewish people with God's love.

    Anything else you'd like readers / listeners to know:  If I came to believe that Jesus is our Messiah way back in 1975 ... can you imagine how much more I know that to be true today? :-)

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