E. LEBRON FAIRBANKS retired in 2007 from Mount Vernon Nazarene University after serving 18 years as university president. He is a graduate of Trevecca Nazarene University; has graduate degrees form Scarritt College, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Nazarene Theological Seminary; and pursued post-doctoral studies at Harvard University and Yale University. Prior to his move to Mount Vernon in 1989, Fairbanks served as president of Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary, Manila, The Philippines, and as academic dean of the European Nazarene College near Schaffausen, Switzerland. He has also served on the faculty of Southern Nazarene University. Fairbanks is an international speaker and author of the modular course of study text, Leading the People of God. DWIGHT M. GUNTER II, DMin, is the district superintendent of the MidSouth District in the Church of the Nazarene. Prior to his election in 2018, he served for sixteen years as lead pastor of Trevecca Community Church. Gunter has also previously served in pastoral roles in Texas and South Carolina and is a Certified John Maxwell Team Leadership Coach. His previous leadership service includes membership on several boards and advisory committees and consultant for various district organizations and local churches. Dr. Gunter has written for multiple publications, appeared on the Christian Communication Network with George Barna, presented numerous seminars, and authored several books. Dr. James Couchenour is the founder and longtime president of Cogun Industries, a construction company specializing in the building of local church and ministry organization facilities. He has formally served as chairman of the Mount Vernon Nazarene University Board, and for years preceding his election as board chairman, served as the chairman of the MVNU Board Buildings and Grounds Committee. He was the founding director of ’The Way Station,’ a compassionate ministry center. He is a frequent speaker at organizations on the subject of board development.