Every child of God is involved in a daily conflictthe new creation in Christ doing battle against the flesh. In this book, the story of Rachel and Leah, best illustrates an ongoing struggle a child of God has as the Holy Spirit works through sanctification, separating us from the world, and unto God. As God communicates with us, He speaks to our spirit the spoken word, be it a Rhema or a Logos. If believed and accepted it becomes a seed that is planted within the womb of our spirit. Fertilization occurs when this seed penetrates, or is accepted, and the Holy Spirit of God unites, or begins to move to bring the promise into fulfillment. Before this promised ministry is brought forth, during the three trimesters of gestation, the body of Jesus Christ goes through many changes to bring to birth an infant (Ministry) move of God. Janet accepted the Lord at a very early age, and ministers to the body of Christ through prophetic poetry as the Spirit of the Lord God communicates to her His love and affection toward them. She is the proprietor of a small Caf, where at anytime during coffee break, a newsletter or posting of the most recent words from the Lord is available to minister to your spirit. All are invited to come and drink from a fountain that never runs dry.