Belonging to God: Catechism Resources for Worship
Stock No: WW502360
Belonging to God: Catechism Resources for Worship  -

Belonging to God: Catechism Resources for Worship

Westminster John Knox Press / 2003 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW502360

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Stock No: WW502360
Westminster John Knox Press / 2003 / Paperback

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Product Description

This exciting new resource for Presbyterian pastors, worship leaders, and educators demonstrates how to incorporate this new catechism into worship services allowing for the full inclusion of children. The book provides prayers, calls to worship, baptismal resources, confirmation resources, graduation rites, and more, all based on the new children's catechism.

In addition, it includes suggestions for using the catechism in sermons - for children specifically and for the entire congregation - and offers bulletin suggestions, an annotated bibliography, and a comprehensive listing of other catechism resources. Softcover, 109 pages. Geneva.

Product Information

Title: Belonging to God: Catechism Resources for Worship
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 112
Vendor: Westminster John Knox Press
Publication Date: 2003
Dimensions: 9 X 6 (inches)
Weight: 6 ounces
ISBN: 0664502369
ISBN-13: 9780664502362
Stock No: WW502360

Publisher's Description

Belonging to God: Catechism Resources for Worship is designed to bring the language, and thus the teaching of the church, into the worship of God's people. It provides prayers, calls to worship, baptismal and confirmation resources, and more, as well as suggestions for how to incorporate the catechisms.

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