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Believing in Narnia: A Kid's Guide to Unlocking the Secret Symbols of Faith in the Chronicles of Narnia
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Product Description
▼▲Think you know all there is to know about The Chronicles of Narnia? Readers will learn fascinating facts such as:
- Turkish Delight, Edmund's favorite sweet treat, symbolizes two ideas: temptation and the notion that evil knows our weakest spots and uses that to attack us.
- Father Christmas represents the story of Jesus coming to earth to save people from their sins.
- His gifts to three of the Pevensie siblings represent spiritual gifts.
- With Jesus in your heart, you can bring the light of God's love into dark places, as the lamppost did in the woods of Narnia.
- The lion Aslan, king of Narnia, represents Jesus.
- When Susan and Lucy go to Aslan after he dies, they are a lot like the Bible's two Mary's, who went to Jesus' tomb to take care of His body.
- The door in The Last Battle represents death, and death does not have to be scary for followers of Jesus.
- Peter's relationship with Aslan represents the honor that should be passed between fathers and sons, and between God and His sons and daughters.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Believing in Narnia: A Kid's Guide to Unlocking the Secret Symbols of Faith in the Chronicles of Narnia By: Natalie Gillespie Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 192 Vendor: Thomas Nelson Publication Date: 2008 | Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.50 (inches) Weight: 6 ounces ISBN: 1400312825 ISBN-13: 9781400312825 Ages: 7-11 Stock No: WW312825 |
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Publisher's Description
▼▲Shows the Christian message within The Chronicles of Narnia®
To coincide with the release of Prince Caspian, this book helps kids ages 7-11, understand the symbolism of the Christian faith written by C.S. Lewis in the Chronicles of Narnia series. Christian concepts are simply explained, along with excerpts from the Narnia books. Each section of the book explains the characters, events, places, and themes and gives insight in the spiritual parallels.
Kids, parents, teachers and ministers will all find this to be a great tool for use in preparing to see the movie.
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