Act and Being: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works [DBW], Volume 2
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Act and Being: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works [DBW], Volume 2   -     By: Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Act and Being: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works [DBW], Volume 2

Fortress Press / 2009 / Paperback

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Fortress Press / 2009 / Paperback

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Product Description

In Act and Being Bonhoeffer employs Lutheran theology in critique of philosophical claims about human consciousness from the Enlightenment (esp. Kant) up to his own time, including Heidegger. In doing so he provides a vindication for God self-disclosure against the beliefs expounded by the metaphysics of transcendental philosophy. Undoubtedly Bonhoeffer's most philosophical and abstract work, it is nevertheless crucial for understanding Sanctorum Communio, and, arguably, all of Bonhoeffer's theology. Bonhoeffer approaches human consciousness from the perspective of the Reformation that understands human sin as "the heart turned in on itself and thus is neither open to the Revelation of God nor to the encounter with the neighbor."

Product Information

Title: Act and Being: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works [DBW], Volume 2
By: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Vendor: Fortress Press
Publication Date: 2009
Dimensions: 9 X 6 (inches)
Weight: 12 ounces
ISBN: 0800696530
ISBN-13: 9780800696535
Series: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works
Stock No: WW9653X

Publisher's Description

The fresh, critical translation of the volume is now available in paper. Act and Being, written in 1929-1930 as Bonhoeffer's second dissertation, deals with the questions of consciousness and conscience in theology from the perspective of the Reformation insight about the origin of human sinfulness in the "heart turned in upon itself and thus open neither to the revelation of God nor to the encounter with the neighbor." Here, therefore, we find Bonhoeffer's thoughts about power, revelation, otherness, theological method, and theological anthropology.

Author Bio

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the most significant Protestant theologians of the twentieth century, a legacy sealed by his imprisonment in a German concentration camp and eventual execution. His resistance against Nazism and pivotal role in the Confessing Church movement have been key points of illumination for many on the nature of Christian political witness and action. Millions have been inspired by his rich reflections on the Christian life, especially his beloved works on discipleship and ethics. As a professor, seminary leader, and ecumenical theologian, Bonhoeffer's work also profoundly shaped academic theology, especially systematic theology, and the life of the church.

Wayne Whitson Floyd is Visiting Professor of Theology and Director of the Bonhoeffer Center, Luther Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. He is General Editor of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, English Edition, and Canon Theologian at Cathedral Church of St. Stephen, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Martin Rumscheidtis an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada and retired professor of historical theology at the University of Windsor, Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Charles University, Prague. He is the translator of Act and Being (1996)in Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, English edition, and cotranslator with the late Barbara Rumscheidt of Soelle"s Against the Wind (1999) and The Silent Cry.

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