"In an age of negativism, pessimism and worse, despair, I Like Being Catholic is a breath of fresh air. I would hope that Catholic parents, especially young ones, would find in this book a breath of fresh air, a sense of optimism, and something precious to transmit to their children."
--Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., President Emeritus, University of Notre Dame
"Practicing Catholics, ex-Catholics, conservative and liberal Catholics, alienated Catholics, recovering Catholics, pious and impious Catholics--unite! Here is the reason that Catholicism is so deep in your bones. Welcome to your rich spiritual heritage."
--Paul Wilkes, author of Beyond the Walls and The Seven Secrets of Successful Catholics
"I Like Being Catholic touches the heartstrings, calls forth laughter and tears, and offers the possibility to deepen and more profoundly appreciate an incredible gift: faith. It does so because it is personal, authentic, and inspirational and it will resonate in your soul."
--Sue Mosteller, Director of Henri Nouwen Literary Center
"There's no better way for anyone to appreciate the "unity in diversity" that is the Catholic Church than by reading I Like Being Catholic. Where else but in the Catholic Church is there enough love to embrace such different folks as Vince Lombardi, William F. Buckley, Jr., Mary Higgins Clark, Andrew Greeley, Joan Chittister, OSB, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, Joan Wester Anderson, Martin Scorsese and scores of not-so-famous, very diverse people-all of whom simply enjoy being Catholic?"
--Bert Ghezzi, author of Voices of the Saints