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Behold Your God Teacher's Manual (New Edition)
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Product Description
▼▲The Positive Action Behold Your God revised (2016) teacher's manual contains all of the teaching material and resources needed for this high school-level course. An introductory section will help orient parents on how to teach this course; schedules for a 3, 4, and 5-day pace are included for maximum flexibility.
Each easy-to-use weekly teacher's lesson includes learning objectives, a highly detailed lesson of lecture notes, a quiz & quiz answers, and reproduced student lesson pages with the correct answers overlaid. The teacher lecture notes will help teachers prepare and present this study effectively, and include appropriate Scripture references, explanatory notes, illustrative materials, and a link to the suggested activities found in the student text. The optional scripture memory program encourages students to memorize two references each week.
Behold Your God is designed for high-school level students and features six units: The Knowledge of God, The Nature of God, The Attributes of God, The History of Christ, The Person of Christ, and The Holy Spirit. Students will find this study of the Godhead requires a lot of fact-finding research of the Bible, with lessons designed to help them apply these lofty principles to their lives.
Loose-leaf pages (three-hole-punched) with a three-ring-binder. Designed primarily for 11th grade/high school, but parents can adapt for use with grades 7-12.
Note: The completely revised 2016 edition adds new student exercises and discussion activities, as well as an expanded look at challenging topics in Scripture. This product will not match components from the previous edition.
Product Information
▼▲Title: Behold Your God Teacher's Manual (New Edition) Format: Other Vendor: Positive Action for Christ Publication Date: 2016 Weight: 4 pounds 6 ounces | ISBN: 159557204X ISBN-13: 9781595572042 Ages: 14-17 Stock No: WW572048 |
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