Behold the King
Stock No: WW438454
Behold the King  -     By: Stanley D. Toussaint

Behold the King

Kregel Publications / 2005 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW438454

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Stock No: WW438454
Kregel Publications / 2005 / Paperback

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Product Description

The gospel of Matthew serves as the perfect transition book between the Old and New Testament. Matthew introduces the main subject, Jesus, and the unifying scriptural theme of Jesus' Kingdom. In this thoughtful analysis, respected Bible professor and conference speaker Stanley D. Toussaint developes and traces Matthew's thoughts on these foundations of Christianity. This book is written from a dispensational and premillennial perspective and offers a careful study of God's eternal kingdom and Jesus's role as the King of Jews and Christians alike.

Product Information

Title: Behold the King
By: Stanley D. Toussaint
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 400
Vendor: Kregel Publications
Publication Date: 2005
Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.5 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 1 ounce
ISBN: 0825438454
ISBN-13: 9780825438455
Stock No: WW438454

Publisher's Description

This insightful study of the first book of the New Testament is not simply a verse-by-verse commentary, but a careful study of the thematic purpose and flow of thought of Matthew. Bible students, teachers, and pastors will appreciate the historical-grammatical hermeneutic applied to the Greek text, but Greek proficiency is not required to benefit from this work. Toussaint's major contribution is developing and tracing through the Gospel the twin themes of Jesus the Messiah and God's kingdom program.

Author Bio

Stanley D. Toussaint (Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) is the senior professor emeritus of Bible exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary. He has taught at DTS since 1960 and has pastored for more than twenty years. An editor, author, teacher, and conference speaker, he has also taught in Christian schools in the Middle East, Australia, and the Far East.

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