Christians are mostly unaware that we live now in the age represented by the Laodecian Church of Revelation. We are targets of Satan's vicious war against us and God, as dangerous as that of those seven churches. Believers are surrounded by ancient, remodeled versions of Satan's religions. His false teachers succeed in making church services look new and exciting by using entertainment, mysticism, plays and pop music in exchange for what they label old-fashioned Bible teaching programs. What can we do to protect ourselves and our families from those who would destroy our faith in Christ and lure us into Satan's camp? Give yourself the opportunity waiting in this book to learn how Satan has fought against believers since the first church was planted over two thousand years ago. We know our Lord will win the coming, final world war to take His place as King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords. Come soon, Lord Jesus. Cornelia gives credit for her writing career to her father who urged her to enter a short story contest at age nine. She won and was published in the newspaper. That sent her on her way to a widely varied free-lance career, writing first for newspapers and magazines, encompassing columns, profiles and articles, business advertising and publicity copy. Living in Hollywood then brought her into writing scripts for TV and motion pictures. Cornelia's writing is dedicated to the greatest Author of all time, our Lord Jesus. She prays that all of her work will lead believers into deeper Bible study and a rich, closer walk with Him who is our Savior.