Behind the Lines: 365 Daily Challenges for Military Personnel - eBook
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Behind the Lines: 365 Daily Challenges for Military Personnel - eBook  -     By: Adam Davis, Chad Robichaux

Behind the Lines: 365 Daily Challenges for Military Personnel - eBook

Broadstreet Publishing Group / 2021 / ePub

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Product Information

Title: Behind the Lines: 365 Daily Challenges for Military Personnel - eBook
By: Adam Davis, Chad Robichaux
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: Broadstreet Publishing Group
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN: 9781424561797
ISBN-13: 9781424561797
Stock No: WW115055EB

Publisher's Description

Become the warrior you are meant to be.

Behind the Lines is a 365-day devotional written to encourage, empower, and inspire those who serve our nation. No matter your branch of military service, the words found within these pages will equip you with God’s wisdom as you hold the line against evil and protect the innocent.

Discover the true source of 
  • strength for serving
  • power for persevering
  • protection in times of danger
  • resilience during adversity
  • peace amid conflict

You are fully equipped, completely prepared, and wholly trained to face your calling from God.

Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.
Psalm 144:1 NIV

Author Bio

ADAM DAVIS is an author, motivational speaker, and former law enforcement officer. His story reveals the pain that many hide and addresses topics that many avoid. Adam shares his experiences of sexual assault, substance abuse, mental illness, and law enforcement. Adam is known for his work on Behind the Badge: 365 Daily Devotions for Law Enforcement, Bulletproof Marriage: A 90-Day Devotional (with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman), and On Spiritual Combat: 30 Missions for Victorious Warfare (with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman). Bulletproof Marriage was a finalist for the 2020 Christian Book Award®.

Adam's work has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Fox News, The Huffington Post,, and Law Enforcement Today. As a speaker, he has presented for the University of Alabama, Auburn University Department of Economic Development, TEDx Troy University, law enforcement agencies, military bases, and many seminars with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Taya Kyle, and other American patriots. His media appearances have included The Rick & Bubba Show, The Blaze Radio Network, Family Life Today, The 700 Club, The Glenn Beck Program, Team Never Quit Podcast with Marcus Luttrell, and many others.

Today, Adam continues to dedicate his life to helping others navigate the challenges of marriage and overcoming adversity by continuing to author new, quality resources and speaking across the nation. You can stay up to date with Adam's events and new releases by visiting He is proudly supported by his wife of twenty years, Amber, and three children.
CHAD ROBICHAUX is a former Force Recon marine and DoD contractor with eight deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) Task Force. After overcoming his personal battles with PTSD and nearly becoming a veteran sui­cide statistic, Chad founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a lead­ing nonprofit, serving the active duty and military veteran com­munities with highly successful faith-based combat trauma and resiliency programs. Having spoken to over 150,000 active-duty troops and led life-saving programs for over 3,800 active military and veterans at four Mighty Oaks Ranches around the nation, Chad has become a go-to resource and is considered a subject matter expert on faith-based solutions to PTSD, having advised the Trump administration, Congress, the VA, and the highest levels of the DoD. Currently, Chad serves as the chairman for the Faith Based Veterans Service Alliance (FBVSA) collaborat­ing with the White House on behalf of a coalition of faith-based Veteran Service Organizations, and is a surrogate speaker and national board member for Veterans Coalition for Trump.

Chad has written five books related to veteran care, donating over 100,000 copies to the troops during his resiliency speak­ing tours. He is regularly featured on national media, such as Fox News, OANN, The O’Reilly Factor, The Blaze, TBN, The 700 Club, USA Today and has appeared in a short film by I Am Second. Cur­rently, a life-story motion picture is being produced based on the stories in this book.

In addition to Chad’s military service, he is a former fed­eral agent and law enforcement officer who was awarded the Medal of Valor for bravery. Chad is married to his wife, Kathy, and they have a daughter and two sons. Hunter is a third-generation Marine Combat veteran in the Robichaux family. Chad and his two sons are lifelong martial artists. Chad is a third degree Bra­zilian jiu-jitsu black belt under Carlson Gracie Jr. and is a former Professional Mixed Martial Arts Champion, having competed at the highest levels of the sport.

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