Beginning with New Testament Greek: An Introductory Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New Testament
Stock No: WW650567
Beginning with New Testament Greek: An Introductory  Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New Testament  -     By: Benjamin L. Merkle, Robert L. Plummer

Beginning with New Testament Greek: An Introductory Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New Testament

B&H Academic / 2020 / Hardcover

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Stock No: WW650567

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B&H Academic / 2020 / Hardcover

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Product Description

Beginning with New Testament Greek is an essential guide for students and teachers who wish to deepen their understanding of Koine Greek. Benjamin L. Merkle and Robert L. Plummer's non-technical introductory grammar features up-to-date research and pedagogy; links to digital resources; an awareness of the latest discussions on verbal aspect, the middle voice, and discourse analysis; translation exercises taken from the New Testament; and more.

Product Information

Title: Beginning with New Testament Greek: An Introductory Study of the Grammar and Syntax of the New Testament
By: Benjamin L. Merkle, Robert L. Plummer
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 288
Vendor: B&H Academic
Publication Date: 2020
Dimensions: 9 X 6 X 0.63 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces
ISBN: 1433650568
ISBN-13: 9781433650567
UPC: 9781433650567
Stock No: WW650567

Publisher's Description

From their decades of combined teaching experience, Benjamin L. Merkle and Robert L. Plummer have produced an ideal resource for novice Greek students to not only learn the language but also kindle a passion for reading the Greek New Testament. Designed for those new to Greek, Beginning with New Testament Greek is a user-friendly textbook for elementary Greek courses at the college or seminary level.

Author Bio

Benjamin L. Merkle is professor of New Testament and Greek at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

ⷋRobert L. Plummer is the Collin and Evelyn Aikman Professor of Biblical Studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Editorial Reviews

"Merkle and Plummer show how to get started with New Testament Greek without getting lost in an ancient language. This book explains Greek in a way that people who are not language nerds can easily understand and eventually progress towards being able to read the New Testament in the original Greek. This book is informed by good knowledge of linguistics and pedagogy, but it doesn’t drown readers in acronyms, scholarly jargon, or technical details. Lots of good explanations on things like textual criticism and word-study fallacies that students should learn in their language studies. In short, this is a book that students will enjoy, and instructors will appreciate."
—Michael Bird, academic dean and lecturer in theology, Ridley College

"Beginning with New Testament Greek is exactly what today’s teachers and students need. The layout is realistic, the progression through the material makes perfect sense, and the use of NT texts throughout is motivating. Students will benefit from Merkle and Plummer’s linguistic expertise, their masterful pedagogy, and their love for God’s Word. Students can rest assured they are getting here the very best of scholarship in the service of the Church. I recommend Beginning with New Testament Greek with enthusiasm—an abundant feast for mind and heart alike."
—J. Scott Duvall, professor of New Testament and J. C. and Mae Fuller Chair of Biblical Studies, Ouachita Baptist University

"Incorporating up-to-date research and helpful links to digital resources, here is a comprehensive introductory grammar written by experienced teachers for the serious student of New Testament Greek. Recent developments in the understanding and significance of verbal aspect, middle voice and discourse analysis are discussed and threaded pervasively through the conversational style of this work. Directed throughout at reading for meaning, all translation exercises and illustrations of grammatical features are taken from the New Testament itself. These attributes along with the many supporting materials make this a valuable resource not only for the classroom but also for teachers and scholars wishing to update or further their own understanding of Koine Greek." 
—Sue Kmetko, adjunct lecturer in New Testament Greek, Stirling Theological College

"Two of the most important elements of a first-year Greek experience aiming for student success are methodical presentation and motivational enrichment. Merkle and Plummer load this textbook with first-quality material of both kinds. Two of the leading motivational factors are extensive direct interaction with the actual New Testament text—both in the lesson exercises and in exegetical discussions showing the value of knowing Greek—and excursus introducing students to broader fields of Greek studies and resources to aid their exegetical pursuits, both in print and online. Measured exposure to ’state-of-the-discussion’ questions about the meanings of the verb tenses and the middle voice contribute further value to assure this grammar has a lasting place as a marketplace heavyweight."
—Randy Leedy, founder,, and former professor of New Testament, Bob Jones University

"Do we really need another beginning Greek grammar? Merkle and Plummer show us that the answer is, ’Yes!’ The book is written by two veterans of teaching Elementary Greek, by two master teachers, and the clarity of their teaching is evident on every page of their grammar. The book is not only accessible but also practical. They explain with helpful illustrations why the study of Greek makes a difference. Also, they are up-to-date on recent scholarship on Greek grammar. Whether they discuss verbal aspect or deponent verbs, students and teachers can have confidence that Merkle and Plummer know the current state of the question. I recommend this textbook with enthusiasm."
—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, professor of biblical theology, and associate dean, the School of Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

"Simple. Practical. Up-to-date. User-friendly. Beginners in Greek will benefit from this introduction to the language of the New Testament. The text carries the student into the complexities of the language with relative ease, always taking the time to make the grammar accessible and understandable. What is good for the learner is also good for effective teaching. This new work by Merkle and Plummer is highly commendable."
—Mark A. Seifrid, professor of exegetical theology, Concordia Seminary

"The first great strength of this textbook is that the approach has been field tested in many classes by two gifted pedagogues. The second strength is that the student gets to work quickly on the real Greek of the New Testament in the excellent exercises (from the very first chapter)! The third strength is something unique. Where in any other beginning textbook will the student also be introduced to the critical texts of the Greek NT, the lexical resources, good Greek commentaries, diagramming, and the available digital resources? This textbook makes me want to teach Elementary Greek again!"
—William C. Varner, professor of Bible and Greek, The Master’s University

"Drs. Merkle and Plummer have given us an excellent volume that serves as a beginning for the study of the Greek New Testament. Though this volume is primarily directed to those beginning the study, it will also serve as an excellent refresher for those of us who have been studying New Testament Greek for many years. I commend this current volume to all who are beginning and who are continuing to study God’s inerrant Greek New Testament."
—Jerry Vines, pastor emeritus, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL, and two-time president, Southern Baptist Convention

"Merkle and Plummer have a strong reputation of being clear and effective teachers of New Testament Greek. In their grammar, they combine both their knowledge of Greek and their seasoned pedagogy to provide the beginning students of New Testament Greek with a valuable and clear resource that will help them develop the necessary skills to begin their journey to read and understand the Greek New Testament."
—Jarvis J. Williams, associate professor of New Testament interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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