Becoming a Contagious Church: Increasing Your Church's Evangelistic Temperature
Stock No: WW79193
Becoming a Contagious Church: Increasing Your Church's Evangelistic Temperature  -     By: Mark Mittelberg

Becoming a Contagious Church: Increasing Your Church's Evangelistic Temperature

Zondervan / 2007 / Paperback

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Product Description

Does your church understand evangelism well enough to get excited about it? Revised to reflect the realities of life in today's world, Mittelberg's resource dispels outdated preconceptions and walks you through a 6-stage process for raising your congregation's evangelistic temperature beyond mere talk to infectious energy, action, and lasting commitment. 240 pages, softcover from Zondervan.

Product Information

Title: Becoming a Contagious Church: Increasing Your Church's Evangelistic Temperature
By: Mark Mittelberg
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 224
Vendor: Zondervan
Publication Date: 2007
Dimensions: 8 X 5.31 (inches)
Weight: 7 ounces
ISBN: 0310279194
ISBN-13: 9780310279198
Stock No: WW79193

Publisher's Description

Discover a Proven Approach to Raising Your Church’s Evangelistic Temperature Evangelism. It’s one of the highest values in the church. So why do so few churches put real effort into it? Maybe it’s because we don’t understand the evangelistic potential of the church well enough to get excited about it. Becoming a Contagious Church will change that. Revised and updated, this streamlined edition dispels outdated preconceptions and reveals evangelism as it really can be. What’s more, it walks you through a 6-Stage Process and includes a brand-new 6-Stage Process assessment tool for taking your church beyond mere talk to infections energy, action, and lasting commitment. "This book is not optional! It’s required reading for all who are serious about reaching their communities for Christ. Ignoring this book would be pastoral malpractice!" Lee Strobel, author of The Case for the Real Jesus "You can’t read this book without having your heart stirred to share the gospel. It’s contagious!" Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Church and The Purpose Driven Life "Entire leadership teams and outreach committees should read and discuss this powerful book—and then put its principles into action." John Maxwell, author of Developing Leaders Around You "I can’t emphasize how important books like this one are for the future of the church. It demythologizes the fear and awkwardness of evangelism into something biblical, tangible, and practical for every person." Dan Kimball, author of They Like Jesus but Not the Church "Becoming a Contagious Church is hands-down the most comprehensive work on church evangelism I’ve ever read. Its principles can turn inward-looking church attenders into outward-looking church evangelists." Craig Groeschel, senior pastor,

Author Bio

Mark Mittelberg is a bestselling author, international speaker, and executive director of the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics at Colorado Christian University (

Mark was the primary author of the Becoming a Contagious Christian course, translated into 20 languages and used by nearly two million people, and now the all-new Contagious Faith book and video training course.

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