4.5 Stars Out Of 5
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  1. mamamalone
    5 Stars Out Of 5
    Read This Book
    November 12, 2019
    Quality: 5
    Value: 5
    Meets Expectations: 5
    Read this book if you are living life the best you know how - trying to do and be all the great things you feel you should be. Read this book if you are a working mom smothered by all you need to be at work and at home and in your community. Read this book if you are a stay at home mom feeling inadequate and unaccomplished, yet still overwhelmed by all that you need to do and all that you aren't. Read this book if you have ever felt your chest grow heavy with the weight of life - for no discernible reason - just life. Read this book if you are living life to the full, but somehow you still wonder if there's more to it. Read this book if your soul is weary of the pace of this world and your mind is frantic with just trying to keep up. Wherever you are in life right now - read this book.

    In When Less Becomes More Emily shares wisdom that is so down to earth and practical, yet so counterintuitive to how the world works today. She shares her experiences with living life to its fullest - the best life, right? She bares her soul and shares how the fullest life wasn't satisfying and it left her soul feeling empty. The way she writes is so relatable and humble. You'll hold this book in your hand and listen to her words, feeling like you are listening to a friend over coffee across your kitchen table.

    She writes to women of all walks of life who are burdened and straining under the weight of what we have told ourselves we need to be. She doesn't write from a perspective of correcting you for doing it wrong. Rather, she shares what she has learned and things she's still learning and growing in today. When you sit down to read this book, you will find yourself emphatically nodding your head at the things she points out that are draining our souls. She calls out the constant noise, busyness, hustle, and connection we all find in our lives. She shares ways to quiet the noise, make margin in our lives, and savor the good in life.

    The book is an easy read and you will walk away feeling empowered to make changes in your life to live life more purposefully. She gives a refreshing perspective on how to simplify life for yourself, your kids, your family as a whole. She approaches topics like anxiety and discontent that will make you feel as if you have an ally through your struggles. You are not alone. You are one of many struggling the same way in this modern lifestyle we've created. Grab a copy of this book, make yourself a coffee, and sit down to read. Open your heart to hear what Emily Ley is sharing and feel the weight of fast and big and great lift from your shoulders as you read about making room for slow, simple, and good.
  2. Michael
    Indian Trail, NC
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: Male
    4 Stars Out Of 5
    When Less Becomes More
    November 9, 2019
    Indian Trail, NC
    Age: 55-65
    Gender: Male
    Quality: 4
    Value: 4
    Meets Expectations: 4
    "When Less Becomes More" is a good read for anyone wanting to simplify their lives and focus on what is truly important. While targeted towards women, especially those with children, anyone can benefit from the title.

    The book is a good balance of the author's personal experiences, experiences of others, Bible verses, and practical suggestions. Those who have not read similar books on the simple life/productivity/minimalism lifestyle will find the book helpful while those (like myself) who have read many titles on the topic will have principles and suggestions reinforced.

    The book smoothly transitions from chapter to chapter and may be completed in a few sittings. Good read.
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