Because of Jesus: Realize You're Already a Virtuous Woman in Christ
Stock No: WW380110
Because of Jesus: Realize You're Already a Virtuous Woman in Christ  -     By: Connie Witter

Because of Jesus: Realize You're Already a Virtuous Woman in Christ

Because of Jesus Publishing / 2013 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW380110

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Because of Jesus Publishing / 2013 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Because of Jesus: Realize You're Already a Virtuous Woman in Christ
By: Connie Witter
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 290
Vendor: Because of Jesus Publishing
Publication Date: 2013
Dimensions: 11.02 X 8.50 X 0.61 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 8 ounces
ISBN: 0988380110
ISBN-13: 9780988380110
Stock No: WW380110

Publisher's Description

Forget all your preconceived ideas about Proverbs 31. Forget all the things you've been told about trying to be the ideal woman. Forget those things that cause you to be discouraged, overwhelmed by your inadequacies, and focused on your weaknesses and shortcomings. The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 is not someone you aspire to become through your own actions. She's a promise of God that you can experience in your own life by looking to Jesus and trusting Him to do the work in you. Righteousness a gift from God to you. A gift you must only accept. With each lesson in this 12 week study, you will realize your identity in Christ. You will begin to see yourself as God sees you--precious and valuable. You will understand your everlasting covenant and experience the life-changing power of His grace. This Bible study has only one step and one focus: Keep your eyes on Jesus. Look to Him for every answer in every situation. This is the message of freedom. You were created to be a successful, annointed woman of grace and power, Because of Jesus.

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