Battle for His Soul
Edited By: Susan Peek
Stock No: WW674705
Battle for His Soul  -     Edited By: Susan Peek
    By: Theresa A. Linden

Battle for His Soul

Edited By: Susan Peek
Silver Fire Publishing / 2016 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW674705

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Silver Fire Publishing / 2016 / Paperback

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Product Description

Battle for His Soul by Theresa A. Linden, and editor, Susan Peek, Book 3 in the West Brothers contemporary Catholic fiction series for teens. Jarret West, is a rich teenager that is used to having control over others, and getting whatever he wants. As he life starts falling apart, his guardian angel Ellechial hopes that Jarret will soon be converted to Christ. But Deth-kye, the demon is setting traps to be sure Jarret is hell-bound. Until Jarret turns to faith, praying and believing, Ellechial is unable to help. Ellechial hopes that Jarret's twin that has recently turned his life to God, will be able to influence him. Jarret's twin and friends form a prayer group and pray before the Blessed Sacrament, unaware of the power they provide the angels. Ellechial has gained strength, but Deth-kye continues to prey on Jarret with his weapons: emotion, vice and memories. Who will win the battle for Jarret's soul? Paperback, 316 pages. Recommended for ages 13 to 18 years old.

Product Information

Title: Battle for His Soul
By: Theresa A. Linden
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 316
Vendor: Silver Fire Publishing
Publication Date: 2016
Dimensions: 9.00 X 6.00 X 0.66 (inches)
Weight: 14 ounces
ISBN: 0997674709
ISBN-13: 9780997674705
Ages: 13-18
Series: West Brothers
Stock No: WW674705

Publisher's Description

1st-place winner of 2017 Catholic Press Association Teen & YA Book Award

Jarret West, a rich teenage boy, has been accustomed to having control over others and getting his way. When his life begins to fall apart, his guardian angel Ellechial hopes now is the time for his conversion. Jarret must be freed from the deep clutches of Deth-kye, the demon bent on seeing him in hell. The fate of several others depends upon Jarret's conversion.
While Jarret gets ensnared in Deth-kye's traps, Ellechial can provide little help since Jarret doesn't pray, doesn't believe, and hasn't listened to him in years. Ellechial hopes Jarret's twin brother, who has recently found God, will be able to influence him. But Jarret goes on vacation with his father and younger brother where temptations only increase. Meanwhile, Jarret's twin and other teens form a prayer group and begin to pray before the Blessed Sacrament unaware of the power they provide the angels. Though Ellechial gains strength, Deth-kye wins victory after victory. His weapons: emotion, vice, and memories. Who will win the battle for Jarret's soul?

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