Why Baptizing Your Child Matters: Understanding the Benefits of Covenant Baptism - eBook
Stock No: WW110088EB
Why Baptizing Your Child Matters: Understanding the Benefits of Covenant Baptism - eBook  -     By: Robert H. Orner

Why Baptizing Your Child Matters: Understanding the Benefits of Covenant Baptism - eBook

Wipf & Stock / 2014 / ePub

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Stock No: WW110088EB

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Stock No: WW110088EB
Wipf & Stock / 2014 / ePub
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Product Information

Title: Why Baptizing Your Child Matters: Understanding the Benefits of Covenant Baptism - eBook
By: Robert H. Orner
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: Wipf & Stock
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: 9781630872526
ISBN-13: 9781630872526
Stock No: WW110088EB

Publisher's Description

This book is written for young families. It avoids the baptism debate while graciously presenting the story of God's faithful provision, protection, and promise of deliverance for His people given through the sign of the covenant. Beginning with Adam and continuing through Abraham--where the covenant is ratified and developed in the forming of the nation of Israel--it traces through the Scripture 1) God's common grace for all people, 2) His covenant grace for believers and their children received through the sign of the covenant, and 3) His saving grace applied through faith. The reader is shown how the same levels of grace are given in a deeper and fuller way upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. The themes of provision, protection, and deliverance are applied to our present day. The book concludes by taking the reader through five questions commonly asked of parents and congregations during the baptism ceremony.

Author Bio

Robert H. Orner is the Dean of Students and a Guest Lecturer of Practical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and has served churches in the United States for over a quarter century.

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