Baptists and the Emerging Church Movement: A Baptistic Assessment of Four Themes of Emerging Church Ecclesiology - eBook
Stock No: WW111933EB
Baptists and the Emerging Church Movement: A Baptistic Assessment of Four Themes of Emerging Church Ecclesiology - eBook  -     By: David Mark Rathel

Baptists and the Emerging Church Movement: A Baptistic Assessment of Four Themes of Emerging Church Ecclesiology - eBook

Wipf & Stock / 2014 / ePub

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Stock No: WW111933EB

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Wipf & Stock / 2014 / ePub
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Product Information

Title: Baptists and the Emerging Church Movement: A Baptistic Assessment of Four Themes of Emerging Church Ecclesiology - eBook
By: David Mark Rathel
Format: DRM Free ePub
Vendor: Wipf & Stock
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: 9781630873721
ISBN-13: 9781630873721
Stock No: WW111933EB

Publisher's Description

In Baptists and the Emerging Church Movement, David Rathel examines the major ecclesiological proposals of the emerging church movement. Though many theologians argue that the emerging church movement emphasizes epistemology, Rathel contends that its primary concern is ecclesiology. Emerging church leaders offer a number of important ecclesiological proposals, including restructuring traditional church leadership models to accommodate the rise of postmodernity, changing the mission of the church so that the church may strike a more "missional" tone in contemporary culture, removing the categories of "in" or "out" within the church body, and adopting the multi-site church model. In assessing these proposals, Rathel draws upon historic Baptist convictions about the nature of the church, using Baptists' ecclesiological distinctives and long history of ecclesiological thought as a helpful reference point. This book will not only serve as a guide for those who wish to learn of emerging church ecclesiology, it will also be an aid to Baptists who wish to evaluate recent trends in ecclesiology in light of their denominational distinctives.

Author Bio

David Mark Rathel is the pastor of Fork Baptist Church in Scottsburg, VA, and Adjunct Online Professor of Theology and Philosophy at The Baptist College of Florida. He received his ThM from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently completing his PhD at St. Mary's College at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland

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