Balanced Christian Life:
Stock No: WW008531
Balanced Christian Life:  -     By: Watchman Nee

Balanced Christian Life:

Christian Fellowship / 1981 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW008531

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Stock No: WW008531
Christian Fellowship / 1981 / Paperback

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Product Information

Title: Balanced Christian Life:
By: Watchman Nee
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Christian Fellowship
Publication Date: 1981
Dimensions: 6.92 X 5.06 X 0.41 (inches)
Weight: 9 ounces
ISBN: 0935008535
ISBN-13: 9780935008531
Stock No: WW008531

Publisher's Description

In this work by the noted Chinese preacher, Watchman Nee, Nee attempts to show from God's word the perfect equilibrium of divine truth, God as love and light, Jesus as full of grace and truth, the Holy Spirit as possessing wisdom and revelation.

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This is a collection of 10 messages given by Watchman Nee. The titles of the messages are:

The Gate and The Way
The Objective and the Subjective
Work In and Work Out
Rest Given and Rest Found
Watch and Pray
The Other Aspect of the Trespass-Offering
Blessed Are the Meek
Poor Indeed
The Significance of Faith
Four Significant Stages in Life's Journey

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