Bajo el Abrigo (Under Cover)
Stock No: WW54466
Bajo el Abrigo  (Under Cover)  -     By: John Bevere

Bajo el Abrigo (Under Cover)

Charisma House / 2004 / Paperback

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Stock No: WW54466

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Expected to ship on or about 10/17/24.
Stock No: WW54466
Charisma House / 2004 / Paperback

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Product Description

Para caminar en autoridad espiritual verdadera, el creyente debe someterse a la autoridad soberana de Dios. En este libro, John Bevere muestra como la sumisión a este orden divino concede de la provisión y protección del Reino. Este escritor amado usa de manera efectiva sus errores personales para ilustrar verdades cautivadoras acerca del arrepentimiento y el perdón. A medida que enfoca la verdadera autoridad de Dios, Revere cuidadosamente explica con ejemplo la importante diferencia entre "sumisión" y "obediencia".

To walk in true spritual authority, a believer must be submitted to God's sovereign authority. In this book, John Bevere shows how submission to this divine order grants the Kingdom's provision and protection. This well loved writer effectively uses his personal mistakes to illustrate riveting truths about repentance and forgiveness. As he focuses on the true authority of God, he is careful to explain by example the important difference between "submission" and "obedience." An especially helpful book for Christians who want to develop a serious pursuit of God.

Product Information

Title: Bajo el Abrigo (Under Cover)
By: John Bevere
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 240
Vendor: Charisma House
Publication Date: 2004
Dimensions: 8.5 X 5.7 X 0.66 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 3 ounces
ISBN: 1591854466
ISBN-13: 9781591854463
Stock No: WW54466

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