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The Big Bad Grammar Slammer: The Easy Diagramming Game
Product Description
▼▲The Big Bad Grammar Slammer Easy Diagramming Game will help students master grammar while having fun! While some teachers have rejected diagramming as too complex for students, this game will help take the stress out of the subject, help students master using complex sentences, and make students proficient in the use of punctuation rules that complex sentences require!
There are seven modules in the program, each with five or six rules (and a short, one-page tutorial for each rule). Students work on the tutorial page, develop their own correct sentences that apply the rule, look for other sentences that the rule applies to, and play the "Big Bad Grammar Slammer" for that module, which includes the new rule and the previously learned rules. In the game, students try to develop sentences using the rules they've learned while avoiding breaking the rules, which sends them into the Slammer! Game can be played competitively or col laboratively. 109 pages, softcover. Non-reproducible.
Product Information
▼▲Title: The Big Bad Grammar Slammer: The Easy Diagramming Game By: Karen K. Newell Format: Paperback Number of Pages: 110 Vendor: Learn For Your Life | Publication Date: 2012 Dimensions: 11 X 8.5 (inches) Weight: 11 ounces ISBN-13: 9780975499795 Stock No: WW499795 |
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